This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Well I got to Swellendam yesterday afternoon. Spent from then and most of today in bed, not well. When I'm better I think I'll go home. I forgot how bored I get on my own without my stuff around me. Hope that will be tomorrow, although my symptoms are coming back as this morning's 4mg meds kicks out. Wears off I mean. Got my fags for this evening but it smelt of fags in here when I got back, which is bad news. I do go out to the balcony to smoke but it clearly gets in again.

Need to quit fags really.

Anyhoo, that's that. Not much on here. It's damp out - not exactly raining, but damp.

Getting dark now. 18.54.

smiley - smiley

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