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Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

S has a problem. I noticed this the other day with something, for which he later apologised, and today, he said something over me, which was theologically incoherent and therefore spiritually void.

It was typical Evangelistism "wisdom-principle" thing, which is dead, and not the wisdom of God, which is alive.

They won't let me do my job at that station. Any excuse not to receive my word. This is because I am standing against their stronghold.

I've SMSed him offering him half an hour after breakfast when I can show him the difficulty with his thinking, which is Greek abstractions from Biblical propositions, but not all of them, and he hasn't contextualised everything in the fullness of the Bible's world view and teaching about God.

Basically he's a dualist. Most of them are. Good vs evil in an equal fight. This is so common but it's plain wrong.

This is what I'm here to do! When people like S were taking the piss out of me for not joining in, I was reading books and dictionaries and thinking and thinking and praying and thinking before God, and meditating and so on, studying to show myself approved. My theology is purely spiritual, not an iota of head knowledge, because I haven't got any head knowledge, because of my folly. But they scorn me. He won't take correction. And gets uppity and all heated if you stand up to him. Had this before a few days ago. Oh yeah, "family". Jesus is pretty negative about the family. Turn a son against his father. How do we square this with "turning the sons back to their fathers" in Elijah's ministry?


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

I'm so disappointed with S. He needs a course with me in basic Biblical theology. I can teach in language he would understand. God has made me into such a versatile teacher. All those years of study and loneliness were worth it. But now I'm here, a teacher, but more than a teacher, the sent one, they don't want to know.

Come on S, I will correct you about the family, and I will correct you about the destiny thing; and in doing so, I will change the way you think and make you wiser unto salvation.

YWAM people at the breakfast this morning. Steer well clear; they're a cult. I had a personal encounter with them and subsequently did some research and my impression was confirmed.

Anyway I'll try to find S's email address and write him a paper and send it to him, seeing that he won't meet me face to face, again, contradicting his previously broadcast opinion that people should meet face to face. Don't think they respect me. They probably think that because I'm educated, I've got head knowledge and not heart knowledge. It's so so sad, and heartbreaking, because I've broken my mind and heart so many times getting myself fit for service as a teacher in the Kingdom.

I told S I know how he thinks and his method needs attention.

I should be very uncomfortable with these people at the breakfast place this morning. I think S didn't want me there either.

"Ridiculous". All I've done is point out to S that his thinking is faulty and his ideas about destiny etc are completely off target. If I continued to use, God would fulfil my destiny in me in a different way. That's how he works. God will use these people of course. But their minds need attention. Their minds need attention. All the time I was crippled with shame and shyness around people and eventually gave up going out, all those years of misery, have borne fruit. But they don't want to know. Why did you make me go through your training three times, Father, only for people to shut doors in my face when I offer to teach? Oh well it can only get better.

But S is still wrong, and his thought-forms are wrong, and his conclusions are wrong, and he can't compete with me in the things of the redeemed mind. Because his mind isn't properly redeemed. I know how his mind works.

He was wrong about the family, and he was wrong about destiny.

Mind you I remember Helga ganging up on me as well; huddling with people to form an exclusivity, shutting me out; these people's minds REALLY need attention.

Perhaps I should write a primer "How To Think After God"


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Because I stood up to S today I feel sad in my guts now. Whenever I engage in any form of ministry encounter, I am attacked afterwards.

New piece: setting of lines from Euripides' Bacchae for SATB, string orchestra, piano and timpani. I've got orchestration tips from Martinu. Martinu composed at the piano and I think you can tell by his piano writing, which falls very easily under the hands. I don't write at the piano any more. I use Sibelius.

I'll take the Music Laptop with me because it has a Mint partition. And a Tivoli + cable to amplify the sound. A dongle, which I must fill again. Two pairs of trousers, two T-shirts, a thick shirt, shoes, slippers, sponge bag (remembering soap and shampoo), nail scissors, toothpaste and toothbrush, extra underwear. Camera, Blackberry, cable for blackberry to upload photos. Bibles in Hebrew & Greek, as many dictionaries as I can carry (I'll fill a box with them), and I'll have to think of what other books I'll need. Remember it's got to be a book based on what the Bible teaches.

So will be using Scripture from the Wisdom books.

I'd better take commentaries on Proverbs and oh, I dunno. This is always the problem when working away from home. I can't take my library with me.

I plan to drive around a bit too. Perhaps I can work during the evenings. Part of this trip is getting my sleeping patterns back to normal.

I am very good at touching people's sore spots. I seem to have an unerring instinct for touching people where they need to change. Well I've touched dear S twice a few times lately. I shall dedicate my writing to him. "By the Renewing of your Minds: Thinking After God" is the working title of the work.

I also have a piece of music I'm planning. I've got the overall shape and the introductory paragraph is quite clear as to texture. I've already started making sketches. Quiet open string chords on the strings, and harmonics. Quiet timp knocking out the iambic trimeter metre with piano. Main inspiration: Martinu's Double Concerto for Two String Orchestras, Piano and Timpani, but the chords at the start don't appear in Martinu. Looking forward to writing the piano/timp duet sounding the Greek metre. A motif is A-C-B-C#.

I have discovered how to write irregular rhythms without constantly changing time signatures. You just tie notes over the bar. I'll have to study to see what basic time signature the trimeter fits most comfortably into.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

I have made a flying start to the booklet I'm writing for Sean Collard, "By the Renewing of your Minds: Thinking After God". I'm on a roll. It's like the old days with the tracts. I hope to finish this in Cradock.

There was a whole teaching involved in the solecism about destiny as well. He got it badly wrong and I realise a lot of things need correcting. Well I knew that before but I'm seeing it all over again.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

New Pic of Me, taken today. It is the best pic evah because I'm actually smiling.

25 past 11. I've written a couple of emails to Mr C tonight, in which the Spirit flowing revealed much. Whether he takes it or not, is a different matter.

I think I've already written the tract about lambanw, but it's a good one and I ought to look for it in case I haven't written it, then I must write it up immediately.


Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

I think it was called "A Flexible Greek Word"

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