This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

As I write this, I think, why do I write this? I'm never going to read it again. No-one's ever going to read it. It's all going phut one of these brave days when the server falls out of the cloud and the rain down rain down all the way, way, way. So why do I write this? White letters on a grey ground. Furtive, annoying. Evanescence. So? Why?

Anyway, I've been up all night and I'll be spending today quietly. I was hungry earlier but that appears to have dissipated like a stream of pess bubbling down an alley into a gutter. Foamy. It's only five degrees at the Airport and it's nearly twenty to eight and the sun is up.

I got an email from someone that I'm too scared to read in case it's nasty. I haven't deleted it. I just haven't read it. And I'm not going to.

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