This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Cheryl-someone wanted to add me to her Linked In contacts. Just so she can threaten me with further legal action, I suppose, like that other betch. Well it's another Monday, oh Lord, how long? It's nearly five to five and given how much sleep I've had lately, I thought I'd get up.

It's ironic how the betch goes on and on about being an 'old soul' and about how well she knows God, yet she acts like an unbeliever. Cheryl-someone is the Finance and Administration Manager at the station. I suppose she wants to screw money out of me.



Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

I've got DSTV in both the lounge and my den. The lounge telvision can pick up DSTV AND is online with a Zorin box. The big streen in my den has the Entz Machine and DSTV. There are radios everywhere. I may move the Den Tivoli into the Afternoon Room but I'd need another amp in the Afternoon Room, although I could plug the netbook into the Tivoli in there.

So there's still a bit of fiddling around to do with the audio presence in the flat.

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