This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Slept from 9am yesterday until 3am this morning, with interruptions. That's about 17 hours' sleep. I've got a headache which may have something to do with my curtains. In half an hour it's The Savage Nation.

The problem with L is that she is basing her assessment on the visible, which fluctuates according to the observer and the observed, and not the eternal, which doesn't change.

I haven't been taking my anti-S tablets and it's showing. I need to take them and keep taking the until the voices stop and my mind settles down again.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

God has come to Earth

He has come to this planet as a beggar. A king disguised as a beggar. Because he wants to know how faithful his people are. He wants to know how his people are faring. If he asks them himself, they will put on a holy mask and say, Praise God! I am blessed. But he wanted to know how blessed they really are. So he came them as a beggar, because just as a democracy is judged by how it treats its needy and oppressed, so his people are judged by how they treat the needy and oppressed.

God always goes through things with his people. That's why he came as Jesus to endure the fallenness and sin of man. He doesn't just look on, a dispassionate observer. He takes on the garb of the needy and oppressed, and goes to his people, to find out at first hand how they treat those he loves with especial love.

He is the suffering servant of Isaiah 53. He came to suffer; and today, he comes to be comforted. But tomorrow, he will come to judge.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

I have got back into contact with Gavin S. This is very nice. He is a preacher of the Word. I have listened to him preach. It was wonderful. God uses my friend Gavin mightily. I trust God for today. His days are wonderful.

I have seen what God is doing at the moment. It seems that he is using me in a certain way. This way demands that I walk in God and it is for the sake of the people to whom I minister, that I walk.

I get the feeling that my ministry here is finished; I have the word of conclusion on it. It's found in John 1. eis ta idia elthen, kai hoi idioi auton ou parelabon. That has been my ministry. So I move on. I am wondering about practising interior design. Or perhaps God has another idea for me.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

I hear my recordings of Words and they are terribly adenoidal. That's not very good. Since then God has delivered me of what was making me adenoidal. Never mind. I've given Gavin the URL of the page on which my talks are presented. I might read the rest of my talks and put them up there. That would be a good exercise to do today, I think.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

I am going to record all of my tracts. I've got about 55 of them unrecorded. Then I can complete the page of tracts that I've done, so that I've got a permanent Internet record of this stage in my ministry. Gavin was very kind. A very loving man.

Now, it may be that God wants the people around me to treat me like a piece of shit. Because I remember that Gavin went through a lot, too. But look at how he's turned out! A great encouragement. So I am encouraged.

It would be nice to visit him, but only in God's will. I wouldn't want to sit around feeling awkward until Gavin - but he's kinder than that. He has a special ministry to the poor.

When I think of the things of God, my loneliness falls away from me, my desire to marry falls away, all that boring fleshly stuff, just goes.

It's like when I am composing, nothing else matters. Sethu was having a crying fit but I had to compose the ending of the Sonatina. I couldn't go and comfort her because the music was in me demanding to come out. I wouldn't make a very good husband would I! We are supposed to drop everything to see to the emotional needs of a vroumens. I don't think I'd be very good at that. I'm too wrapped up in the things of the mind, which are important to me, perhaps more important than a partner's emotional needs. She wouldn't be able to rely on me for emotional support so she'd find it elsewhere - nature abhors a vacuum and you can't just switch another person off while you attend to the demands of your mind and heart. So I think on the whole old Ian was right. Me gameseis. Never mind.

I need to write a piece for cello, I've got an idea in me, the Little Sonata doesn't sing like I need to sing. I started one, but I don't know if it's right. The opening 3 notes are right, and usually that's all I need, just three notes, and the piece grows out of that. Perhaps God will have mercy and give me this music.


Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

I slept from 11.30 until 6pm.

I've written three emails, one to my Father, one to my Brother, one to the Spirit my Helper. It's been good.

I want to write that music for cello and piano.


Post 7

woofti aka groovy gravy

Chilly tonight - ten degrees. Of course not as cold as it was earlier this winter, when it got down to 2 degrees! But chilly.


Post 8

woofti aka groovy gravy

Been out to get fags. Got some cream as well, for my coffee.

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