This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Slept well thank God. Looks like it might be another nice day so I may get my trip to Paarl in. Listening to Five FM out of Jo'burg. I've finally had it with the children on CCFM. Olga has ignored my request for work. I'm very surprised she is daring to pull that stunt after what happened to her before. Oh there's an ex-Sugababe who raps. I wonder who that is. Mutya had the best voice of the 'Babes.

Geniet die dag verder almal.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Went to Paarl, took some nice photos. Well I took about twenty odd but there are four that I really like.

"Dit is ons erns" means something like "We take this seriously" or "We're serious about this" or something like that. At least I think so. Online they say "it is our earnestness" which doesn't mean anything.

ha'almah hana'amah sheli qovah 'oti beleiv chomeid

That's a sort of mixture of ancient and modern Hebrew and it's probably not very idiomatic or even quite right, but you get the gist, no, Loonwin?


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Got to remember to go to Claremont tomorrow and get my clothes from Sandra the Seamstress. They were full of holes from ciggie-burns. Some quite big holes in my jumper, and that jumper has significance for me, because I remember getting it for a New Year's visit to Guy's Uncle, and I bought it and it was light blue, so I dyed it black, and it came out basically dark blue, and now it's a bit lighter, and well, I've had it since Bon Accord St, where I lived while I did my theology degree. I must have bought it in about 2001 I guess, I don't know. I think it was Bon Accord St anyway. Yes. I'm remembering by trying to remember what the bathroom looked like, where I hung it up to dry after I dyed it. I'm sure it wasn't the Mastrick bathroom so it must have been the Bon Accord bathroom. I was in Bon Accord St from 2000-2003. I liked that flat and I was happy in it, working on my theology. Writing essays. Essays, I was told, which the Doctors used to study, every comma, every adjective. Bless God, he really pulled the stops out when he was blessing me. Ve'achshav hu' notein li et-ha'almah hana'amah ve'oheveth 'oti 'ishati beleiv cham. Veyaldah li yaldot...

Can't wait. Anyway, so, my jumper and my black sweatshirt and my green trousers, all coming back to me tomorrow with their holes mended. Next, I should take my old jeans to get the crotches patched. They mustn't be sewn up because that will chafe. They must be patched. Or I could throw them away. They lasted me fairly well... they came from Edgars I believe. Long time ago. Must have bought them in Stellenbosch at the Somerset Mall. Can't help thinking I'd had them longer than that. Goodness knows.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

Bu..bu.. but it's O'Bamamama! O'Bamamamama! You LIKE O'Bamamama! Yes we can! Believe! Hope! Yes! O'Bamamamama! Oh, Oh! Ooooo! O'Bamamamamamamama! You LIKE O'Bamamamamamama! Yes! Ooo!


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

Cognitive Dissidence... Are YOU Henry Kissinger's child? Or are you a Cognitive Dissident? Are you a Reality Insurgent? Are you an Awareness Terrorist? A Thought Criminal?

Some -- interesting stuff on YouTube.


Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

When I was at Oxford I met a young lady called Elspeth and we went out punting with some friends. Just one afternoon in the sunshine, we were with one another. I liked her very much. I thought she was lovely. Beautiful to look on. And a sweet nature. And she asked me, and said, You don't like me do you. And a demon inside forced me to say, No I don't. And I have felt sad about that ever since, because it was the opposite of how I felt. If by any chance it were ever at all possible for me to do so, I would let her know that I was disabled by force from speaking my true mind that afternoon.

How the enemy has ruined my life. With what pleasure shall I watch the worm in my body, burn in the infernal torments of the lake of fire which God has prepared for the Devil and his angels.


Post 7

woofti aka groovy gravy

Now I fight with the power of my God against this enemy in my flesh, and prevail with the Victory of Jesus, because it is a liar and its only mission is to steal from me, to kill my life, to destroy me. God my Father can comfort the young woman; I shall in no wise allow this filth from hell to steal from me a moment longer. The Blood of Jesus is against you, foul spirit.


Post 8

woofti aka groovy gravy

List of the top 16 livable cities in Africa. No. 1: Cape Town. Say No More, Pal.


Post 9

woofti aka groovy gravy

I read news items from a certain Oriental country with an air of horror as I know how those people live (I saw it in a dream). Poor, poor people, I can't cope with it.

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