This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Been up all night again. Listening to the radio, but it isn't very encouraging. I wonder how the Poap is doing today. Very unusual man, El Popo. A sign of the guarantee of the presence of the Holy Spirit in the church, according to Francesca. I don't believe that for a moment. I am very low church when it comes to ecclesiology. Meeting in each others' homes, that's my ideal of the church. With apostles and prophets travelling around, and teachers, and pastors and evangelists, and so on. And overseers and diakonoi - whoever they are - strange, unusual men, speaking the very words of God. It is the Lordly Day today... he hemera he kyriake - as John says, I was in the Spirit on the Lordly Day. I must endeavour to make it to church this morning. Ou men boulomai, dei de me. Why do I sometimes write in other tongues on this Journal? Because I can, that's why. Most often I write in Ancient Greek. Sometimes I'll write in German, or French occasionally, or, like yesterday, in Spanish lip. Even Afrikaans gets an outing occasionally here. Yesterday I wrote in Polish. I said, Kocham jej przez wiare. That means, auten agapw pistei. There should be a little hook on the final e of wiare, it being the accusative feminine singular form. In fact that's wrong, it should be Kocham ja przez wiare, with a little hook on the a of ja. I think. I can't actually remember the accusative feminine singular pronoun. Jej is genitive.

So, another Sunday has arrived. And we shall praise and bless and worship the Lord of Hosts this Sunday, for it is right and fitting so to do. it has occurred to me that bion demotikon ouk ekhw. I am planning to buy a small flat in Johannesburg. I shall have to consider carefully where to buy; I was thinking Florida. Not Melville, but close to it. I was thinking of Auckland Park, but I was told that they are planning a large development there and I should be well advised not to go there. There's always the Parks. Parktown, etc. But I want only a small cheap flat, which I can let out. I should have to think carefully then, where to go, because if I want anything like a decent rental, it'll have to be somewhere half decent itself. But I don't want to end up paying through the nose for levy and rates, you see, because I have to pay those here as well. I have a certain budget. The possibility exists still, that I might buy in the country. That might be a lot easier in the short term, but it might be difficult to get tenants if it was in a really out of the way place, like Vanrhynsdorp. Calvinia might be more sensibletune. It's a bigger place, and people are more likely to want to stay there. In fact Calvinia is an attractive proposition. But not as attractive, I'll aver, as Jo'burg. Because people are very friendly in Jo'burg. I've got to remember that argyrion eiserkhomenon ou dekhomai eis ten trapezan. That's Greek, you see. At least I think it's right, I didn't look up the word I ought to have done. Khreia might have been an alternative word.

Maybe I should look for a one bedroom flat with a lounge big enough for me to sleep in it. That might be more sensible. Then if I had anyone coming to stay they would go in the bedroom and I would doss down on the sofa. The question is, where do I want my second home to be? Johannesburg, for the people, or Calvinia, for the bush? One has to think of letting it. Where would be easier to find tenants. Jo'burg, obviously. And one would have to let it unfurnished, because that's how you do it. Which basically means I'd have to have a pile of furniture in storage locally so that when I moved there I could have -- but no, that doesn't work. Either I let it OR I live in it. Not both. I could let it for a couple of years, and then have it there for a couple of years, to go and stay in, and then let it again. But if it's not creating income then I have to pay the levy and the rates.

Oh dear suddenly it's become complicated. That means I'm not in the flow of the Word concerning it. OK, drop it, come back to it.

Meanwhile it's nearly 7am; I had 5 FM on but the song was awful, really awful, and I had to switch it off. Oudena ekhw.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Sorry that's wrong it's oudena ouk ekhw.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

I've sorted out my Skype problem and have connected a new pair of Logitech headphones with a mike, better designed than the very poor Sony ones I had bought earlier. These are very good, and I have hung them up on the wall next to me, so that next time I want to Skype, they are there.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

Next improvement to Shem Elohim: satellite telly on the big screen. Feed the second cable through the wall into the Phrontistery and a second decoder box feeding the projector and the mixer and disco! Discovery Channel on the big screen. Superbamente.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

Hoping that things will be propitious by month end, and planning on a trip to Jo'burg as soon as I can, in Wilfie. Andrew is here until mid September so I'm hoping I can get there before then, and find Beit Chesed and so on. There are variables to juggle: rentability versus high levy and rates.


Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

I don't think Olga realises I have the power and authority to send her home early. They're all just pissing about at the moment, and their response to the one God has sent to help them, is less than adequate, to say the least. It's a shame because I'm very fond of her; there are people I would much rather minister to in this difficult way. But as I've said to her, if it's God you want to deal with, then you can't muck around. These people refuse to grow; they refuse to take on their responsibilities. They think Cape Town is their own private privileged little playground. I think I've hit upon the dark heart of White English-speaking Cape Town Christianity. God has already disciplined people, and he wants to do it again, only worse this time, and I find myself in the unenviable position of standing between these people and a pissed-off God. You'd think after certain events they'd take me a bit more seriously than they do. There is no fear of God before their eyes. You cannot worship both God and Cecil Rhodes.


Post 7

woofti aka groovy gravy

I was surprised to learn this. But then I received the confirmation that Olga once said she thought I wouldn't make it past 50. And the Word said that this was referring to herself, because no prophecy of Scripture ever came about according to the prophet's own interpretation. That's hectic. Does M want to be alone in his old age? Do the kids want to be motherless early? Does H want to leave her family in the lurch?

As for me, I'd jump at the chance to go home early. It would be a very welcome end to the loneliness and confusion and sadness. But somehow I don't think Olga wants that. I think she's in a fix actually and she can't find her way out of it. I feel bad to have shaken things up and spoilt things for people, but God is God I suppose, there's no room for complacency.

These Amerikans phone in with really young voices sounding like mid 30s, and they say, My wife and I are in the first year of our retirement. They are also very sweet people, with their hearts on their sleeves and ready to cry because they are happy or they are sad.


Post 8

woofti aka groovy gravy

I'll tell you what's frustrating, when you're talking to an anti-supernaturalist "Christian". I had a prophetic burden last night and wrote it all down to someone, and they just picked it apart as if it was a product of mental derangement. Really frustrating. I should write it up actually, it's quite a thing.

Well it was 29 degrees this afternoon and quite hot in here. I had to open the window in my bedroom wide open. The heat was amazing given that we're in mid-August! Like the worst days of winter LOL and it's a lovely day outside, actually it was fuggy with heat, the sky was greyish o'ercast. It wasn't a beautiful day, like we had last Sunday, though. Last Sunday was unbelievably beautiful. Girlfriend weather really. When I was going out with Sethu I didn't have Wilfie so I could take her out with the top down and pose with a beautiful woman in my cool car. That was a shame. I'm enjoying my singlehood basically because it means I can dress however I like, without being forced to wear smart clothes and tuck everything in like a buttoned up mannequin. I dislike having to look smart. Mind you when I had Sethu women were (in one case, almost literally) throwing themselves at me, quite undignified, it was most gratifying. They don't now, though. I no longer have the Sisterhood's Seal of Approval on me, so they aren't throwing themselves at me any more. smiley - brave I ought to make the most out of these my prime years, really; I'm throwing them away down the drain. One day I'll really really regret that I didn't make more of my youth when I had it. But, I don't do sex, you see. And no woman of our age is going to take seriously a man who won't sleep with her because of religious reasons. She'd just laugh. I used to tolerate Sethu sleeping with other blokes because I wouldn't give it to her. Well the idea of sleeping with anyone other than your wife, is totally meaningless to me, it's not abhorrent, although it is that too; it's more like a nothing idea because it's an ontological impossibility.


Post 9

woofti aka groovy gravy

Time for bed soon. Hope I can sleep.

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