This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Been up all night. I was thinking of going to purchase an mp3 player today, but I'm quite tired and possibly too tired to be able to cope with being out and about. I've been up all night configuring UKFM, Upper Kenilworth FM 87.5, creating a callsign (the old Radio Tirana trumpet call) and wiring the mixer and the various machines in here to get it all working. I've had enough now; I'll see to it at a later stage. I need an mp3 player to play the callsign during the night.

Michael Savage is very good this morning on The Savage Nation.

Read some North Korean propaganda on UKFM 87.5 last night. I have yet to test whether I can record speech on the Entz machine using VLC.

I haven't been taking my meds lately and V says I must start taking them again. I had a go at my downstairs neighbour in the lift the other day. Boxlos.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

The voices behind walls, they are the voices of the hearts of my neighbours, and they lie, lie, lie. I've been up all night and I wish I had slept, now. Because I'm tired now and won't be able to do anything today of note. There's a marking I need to add to the score of the Theme and Variations. It's "molto" under three notes crescendi. I can't imagine what zone I was in when I wrote those Variations, they just came out of me unbidden. Now, I'm dry again. But back then, I was white hot. It was an unbelievable time; music was just pouring out of me.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

I haev slept all day. It's now ten to four.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

I woke up in the morning at around eleven and L was broadcasting on CCFM, which was playing as I awoke. I became aware of her becoming aware of me. She was ... hassled. I should have been kinder but I took a firm line and switched her off, but as it happened fell straight back into sleep again. She was extremely nasty to me the last time we communicated and I don't chase women on principle, so I don't know what is supposed to happen next. Boulomai men einai met' autes oud' oida hopws ginesetai to pragma meth' hemwn twn philomenwn heautwn. Boulomai pany phainesthai en radiwi all' ou easousi me farmakonta ge. Well actually she was so nasty that it would be entirely inappropriate to write to her again. She would probably go to the Police and complain of harassment. (Yes that is the sort of person we are dealing with... she's spent her entire life in the "church" you see, I mean the little one, Evangelical, which has damaged her soul badly, damage to which she is entirely oblivious, and with which she would very easily continue to live her entire life, were she not promised to me.) My problem is that I don't like being around Christians. I like my brothers the sons. We enjoy each other very much. But the Christians, no, I can't stand them. They can't supply the grace required on their part to relate to me properly. It's a shame because I miss the kingdom of faith. They refuse to relate to me as an equal. I don't know why. Well I do actually. It takes more skill than they appear to be capable of, most of them.

I was fine with Allen Adams. We just clicked. He is also a son, you see. We got on just fine in God.

But L has a -- I don't know what the matter is. Why can I be with Allen but not with any of Barry's heretics? They appear to need me to come to their dimension, which I cannot do, which even Francesca has testified to. Their phenomenology is a puzzle to me. Manca me la muchacha, manca me mucho la muchacha quien el Padre me ha dado por vivir conmigo y por ayudarme. La quiero a ella con todo mi corazon.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

It is nearly three am on Sunday morning the seventeenth of August nineteen hundred and - no, twenty hundred and fourteen. A year of God's rule and reign in heaven. I've got a book called "The Millennial Reign of Christ" which I ought to read, because I need to become acquainted with the basis for the belief that Christ is going to return and rule Earth from Jerusalem. "What's going to happen to all the Moslems?" asks Phumezo. Presumably they will either turn to Christ, or be turned to Christ. I don't know. Walker thinks there will be a "strong" Govt headed by Jesus, with a death penalty, which is worrying. As to the future I have different ideas. There's a great drama in Jerusalem, with two Witnesses being overcome, killed, left in the street, and raised from the dead in full view of everyone. When they are killed people will celebrate by giving each other presents. These are two men.


Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

Those who are considered worthy of that age and of the resurrection from the dead, neither marry nor are given in marriage...

The verbs here are in the present. And they cannot die any more, it says. To what time are these present tense verbs referring? To eternity, I think. Because people can die today, but later, they will not be able to die. When they are in that age, having been resurrected, they will not marry. But it does contrast them with the children of this age who marry. Well I dunno.

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