This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

A nothing day, improved by the end. I had a bath at about 5.30pm, changed my clothes and went out at six to Gordon's Bay, visited Phumezo and Chanda and Latsho and the as yet unborn Twaange, and stayed there a couple of hours. Came home when L showed no sign of going to bed.

It's a cool, damp evening, 14 degrees at the Apricot and misty on the N2 coming home.

I have got some way into a second, slow movement for an orchestral concertante work.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Robin Williams - sad, sad. He was a genius.

In premod in ML - well I'd rather not be part of a group moderated by such a bunch of up-themselves poltroons.

So I'm flouncing, Disgusting, Don't bother putting some of the big wibbly wobbly woo. Long live Steers, Gordon's Bay. Well done you johhnie come lately who think they know he Ethos of ML.

Feyck the lot of them.

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