This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

It's been a quiet night. I've been up for the duration. I'll try to be obedient this morning.

Dull out. But the computer says sunny with clouds. It's been windy in the night but there has been little sign of it in my den. Stand, stand, and, after you have done all, stand.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Went to sleep and slept all day... sjoe! Feeling a bit better now.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Going to Jo'burg tomorrow. I am invited by Andrew to spend time with him there, but I don't -- I haven't budgeted for it, I haven't planned for it. I've already got my return airline ticket, I've not booked into anywhere to sleep, and if I were to waste my airline ticket and buy a new one that would be about R3,500 - which I just can't afford. And the hotel would be about R3,000 as well, or less. So we're looking at about R5,000 just because I didn't plan properly - I can't afford it at the moment. I'll go up and see Andrew another time, when I'm doing my actual road trip perhaps, although I plan to stay in the Western Cape next time, going up to Vanrhynsdorp or Calvinia and places like that.

There is a major heroin epidemic in Amerika at the moment; it's hitting the suburbs and young white kids are on it. It's hit the suburbs, it's hit the old people's homes. Old age homes.

They laced a batch with Fentanyl and people were ODing. Teens in suburbia. Not good.

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