This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Loving my den. I've got no fewer than eight lamps in here now. The lighting is delightfully colourful and understated. I MUST go to Eagle Lighting this morning and buy a whole shedload of 60W incandescents.

I MUST do this. It is a matter of national emergency.

In the meantime, Juju Malema.

Savage is very funny as well as being right on.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Went to Eagle Lighting in Retreat only to find it has gone. So I went to Builders' Warehouse instead, who had my globes. Then I went to Friends, only to find it had gone, so I went to the Pearl Spoon instead, which is run by a couple of Coloured lads, possibly Moslemic, because they were serving macon and not bacon.

I have plundered my Study shelves for books on the Wisdom tradition in the Old Testament and am going through those to help me find a starting point in writing Volume 3. In the meantime I am writing a new Introduction for Volume 2 with notes on method. I shall probably use David's Preface as well, but not Helga's words, because the tracts in Volume 2 were never broadcast on the radio. It's such a pity about Helga. God worked through me to find her weak spot and blew it wide open, and she's turned her back on me - just like virtually every other Chrstian has done in my life. Whatever happened to "don't shoot the messenger"?

I had someone taking the piss on FB the other month and I was quite annoyed. A denied he was taking the piss, but I know when someone's taking the mickey, I've had enough practice in dealing with it.

Well it is a beautiful day all right. I need to go to Cavendish to pick up a radio.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Well I've had a quiet day sitting in my den just sitting. I dozed off in the afternoon. Went out in Wilfie a couple of times today. Got a pile of books beside me and more in the bookcase, plundered from the Study, on Old Testament Wisdom. I need to meditate with these books and get my brain into the world of OT Wisdom, to make a start on Vol. 3 of Words. In the meantime I'm just writing an intro to Vol 2, where I talk about method. Some jumped up *&^&^* was taking the piss, unfortunately he wasn't even wrong, as they say, but never mind.

Tomorrow I need to tidy up. I also need to go to Pick & Pay. I did buy some black bags today at the Builders' Warehouse.

The curtains in here are amazing! Really nice. I hope they will last me until the end of my life. I would like to die in this room. Sitting in my chair. But not for a very long time. Of course some people say I shall be murdered by a bullet to the head. We shall see.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

Apparently in the Millennium we shall live for one thousand years, and after a short rebellion by the enemy, we shall enter our eternal state. O Lord, bring us all in safely, please. Our Father, we love you, you are from of old. You are our love, you are our life, we praise you in the heights of eternity. Build us this day your precious Bride, anoint us with your oil, let us glorify you in holy company. Lead us into all the truth, that we be conformed into the Image of your holy Word. For you are our God, our Saviour, our heavenly Lover, in Jesus' Name, Amen.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

The Wyrm is burning, it is going. I shall judge it with the mercy it showed me.

It was held back only by the Spirit. It tried to kill me, even spiritually!

And now it's leaving me, in Jesus' Name.

And the Holy Spirit comes to take up residence instead. Amen.

And Jesus is going to conquer the wicked thing inside me and cast it out forever.

Praise the Lord forever. This thing - it has - well never mind, it isn't any more.

Forgive the person who put it into me. Amen.

Forgive all the people who have sinned against me. Amen.

Rejoice in Jesus your Saviour, Amen.

He loves you. Jesus is my God, and always has been.

Praise the Lord. It's going to be wonderful now. Forty years of thirsting in the desert, over. One day he might even tell me what it was all about LOL.


Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

Well this is a wonderful deliverance. I will text Chanda when I feel the thing has finally departed.


Post 7

woofti aka groovy gravy

It's going, in Jesus' Name. You're not just doing things for now - we are responsible for the next generation, and the things you have been through, are on behalf of your offspring. Which she is dying to give you. You have been building for your children and your children's children, without even knowing it! Trust in the Lord, and stand and fight.

Can his children walk by faith? Can they feel the fear and do it anyway? Paul did. He said he always came to them in fear and trembling.

Every person has a job to do. We must all know our place and do it as unto the Lord. Working with your sword in your hand. The Sword of the Spirit. You can't do it on your own, you've got to be part of a body, and it isn't always easy. You can't walk off into the hills on your own. So, friend, take Guy's advice, and be delivered, and rejoice in your deliverance, for you are delivered; and get you to church, and be filled with the Spirit, and walk on with God your Father, with God your Brother, with God your Comforter and Helper.

Remember Pindar I think referred to his own soul as "philos".


Post 8

woofti aka groovy gravy

I've told R he will have to pay R5,000 rent if he wants to live here. Basically I don't think he'll want to; but it's a very generous offer.


Post 9

woofti aka groovy gravy

Now the worm is trying to bargain to escape judgement.

I have insight into what it did to me. So that was you, was it?

And you expect mercy?

I don't think we are expected to show mercy to evil spirits. If I am mistaken, the Lord will show me that, too.

It smiles. It's got this smile, this horrible yellow unholy smile. I've seen it on others too. Even on those who took the mickey because it was so dirty.

It's got to leave me. And may were delivered from evil spirits. That battle is mine, says the Lord.

It's made my growth in the Lord so, so difficult. Unbelievably difficult. So when it goes I hope to begin to enjoy my life a bit more.

It really really made my life a living hell for 40 years.

And now it's on the point of departure. It doesn't want to go. But it's got to. Know, worm, that the Father has prepared a lake of fire for the Devil and his angels. This thing has totally tried to kill me! even spiritually!

Wow. It tried once to make me put my eye out. That was astonishing. This thing has hated me all my life. It has lied to me. It has tried to kill me. And now, its deeds are plain for all to see, and it is facing judgement. I'll know when it's gone. It once said, "I'm not going anywhere". But it's going now. Thank the Lord.

So, perhaps now, I can begin to enjoy life free of bondage. And enjoy my Christian life, as a believer. All that stuff I haven't had, I can now step into, yes of course I want it, all of it.

I've been so, so crippled by this thing. Who put it there? Did they think it would succeed and kill me forever? I want to know this as well.

Well, it's given me the most rigorous spiritual training I think it was possible for me to have. But even so, I send it to Jesus for execution of judgement and the Lake of Fire.

Because it was wholly malicious towards me. It showed me no mercy. Only by God's mercy did it fail to kill me, blind me, deafen me, disfigure me. Thank you Father. Thank you for everything. You are kind. Amen.

Now, deal with this thing. You deal with it. I'll stand.

Now she says, No, you're still...

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