This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

To Chanda's today. Excellent.

It's been cold, but mainly because I haven't eaten for a while. I had a roll and 3 samoosas last night and the fire on, and I was plenty warm enough.

The fire just ran out of paraffin and I was about to turn it off anyway.

Found a site where I can practise reading Hebrew. It's pointed; when I'm more fluent I can move on to an unpointed site. It was surprisingly difficult to find simple Modern Hebrew texts online without having to subscribe or pay.

I'm sick of this constant running commentary on my spiritual condition as it wavers from here to there. 24, people.

Right, last night I dual-booted the Music laptop with the result that I now have a lappie I can take to Chanda's and both surf and email on it, and write music, should I feel the need. I must install Skype and fill the dongle with gigabytes, and just remember to take the headphones. A pity I broke the Sony ones - perhaps I should to go to Tygervalley this morning and look for replacement ones?

I've had breakfast.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

I emphasised the theme of the unreliability of sight in my Ecclesiastes manuscript, and this was back in 2004. That's ten years ago, I've been consciously formulating the theme of the unreliability of sight. Faith is defined in Ecclesiastes by delineating in detail the question to which it is the answer. That was probably the best idea in the whole book. The thematic of the unreliability of sight as a basis for judgement and knowledge. This runs throughout the Bible but is most clearly taught in Ecclesiastes. This could be a whole teaching actually. I could teach my 'faith and sight' by analysis of Ecclesiastes.

We've got 2 Cor 5:7 and we've got Genesis 3 and we've got Isaiah 'not judge by what he sees' and we've got John "Stop judging by sight and judge righteously" and we've got the theme of God's darkness, darkness surrounds him, oh yes, and the excursus on dualism, Johannine dualism but God is all in all - that's a whole thing for a whole other teaching. Not a matter of Good vs. Evil in a evenly matched fight. Light is, and always has been greater than darkness. Thinking about it, there must have been an eternity of darkness before God said, Let there be light? Because God has no beginning? This stuff blows my mind. You're on a pin point and if you deviate one inch in any direction, a voice pipes up with a judgement on you. You've got to expend all your energies in trying to remain upright on your pinpoint.

Last night someone sent a beggar into the shop on an errand to test me. I passed. Thank God. I could be less abrupt with people but if you've got a pikestaff thrust into your brain all the way then you wouldn't be very chilled either. He got his supper.

Actually my mind is a lot worse than it has been - I haven't been taking my medication. Perhaps if I take my medication life will become easier. The annoyance is that it takes 7 days to kick in. Five to seven days. So I've got to take the pills and just wait while nothing happens for 5 days.

I think possibly Tyger Valley this morning for a headset to replace the old one? Pity I have to go all the way to Tyger Valley. I don't know any of the local malls, they're all too new, they weren't here back in 95-97 when I lived in Rondebosch or in 2000 when I lived in Claremont.

Also I have 2 dongles to fill.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

smiley - run

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