This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

It's another lovely day in Cape Town. Praise the Lord, O my soul, and let all that is within me, bless his holy Name; for he has done great things, hallelujah. I didn't know that "gar" was a crasis of "ge ara". Had a tin of spag with meatballs last night. It was lekker. I'm about to have a cup of coffee.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

The cleaner has gone. Went to the garage and had a pieburger and some soup. It was lekker. Tired now. Sjoe. Dick Cheney called O'Bamamama the worst Prezidont in his lifetime. Gaza Strip and Ukranians are the grandmother flavour of the day. Apparently looks like a surface to air missle took out the airliner cruising at 33,000 ft. What a terrible thing to happencake. It's Friday today.


Post 3


Which airliner?

A link?


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

Oh I forgot to get any milk. Bummer. Never mind, I'll have some Kahlua coffee instead.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

So I went out to the 7-11 and got milk and coffee beans.

South African woman on Revelation talking about coffee enemas.

Our bodies are built on what we eat. That's very troo.


Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

I am trying to encourage my old friend R to come and stay here. He wants to take a year off to write music, which he believes he has a gift for. I am suggesting he come here and enjoy free board and lodging and sit in peace and quiet while he composes his music. He is an earnest Christian and it would be good for me to have his company as well.


Post 7

woofti aka groovy gravy

Suddenly got an idea for a piece for cello and small orchestra, never had any music for orchestra before, it's interesting. It started out as a piece for cello and piano but suddenly I heard the orchestral sonorities, well well, that's interesting. Just a short piece, a slow, meditative piece, I may have to revise the orchestration so the cello can be heard. It could be the central slow movement of a concertino for cello and small orchestra. Let's see how it goes.


Post 8

woofti aka groovy gravy

I wonder whether God is ever going to give me a public preaching or teaching ministry. I was on the radio briefly but the enemy put an end to that. I should love to preach the Gospel, but I would only want God to let me do it, if he was prepared to back up his Word with signs following; healings etc. Then again, Dawie Smit said that even greater than a prophetic preaching, teaching, and healing ministry, was the hidden ministry of prayer in the upper room. Well my position has always been that I want the very best eternity it is possible for me to have, regardless of what that meant for this life (within the plan of God for me, of course); but I'd love to preach and teach. Dei gar me prwton pausasthai. I have always encountered opposition whenever I have tried to teach from the Bible. But I guess if you stick with simply expounding the message of the Bible, you can't go far wrong.

Well it's partly because I love God so much, and love telling people about him. I love the Bible, and derive great pleasure from teaching from it. It's all in God's hands.


Post 9

woofti aka groovy gravy

The 'spirit of Christianity' is what I call a spirit that I can taste, feel, and see.


Post 10

woofti aka groovy gravy

Prasch calls panentheism a heresy. I think he's wrong here. I think the Letter to the Colossians teaches the Cosmic Christ, the Word of Creation. But I must be very careful to teach only what the Bible teaches, nothing more, nothing less.

I can feel the spirit of Christianity in Mara, dioti egrapson autei epistolen to pneuma apokalyptousan tou Christianismou. Ouk oida ei pisteuei emoi e ouk, alla nyn oiden ten aletheian kai ou dynatai apofeugein apo ten apokalypsin en tei epistolei mou. Dia ten krisin tou swmatos mou seswken auten ho Iesous. Nyn men ou pisteuei ten aletheian, en de twi chronwi twi erkhomenwi opsetai ton logon tes aletheias. Elpizw hoti en tachei ginetai.

En men twi kindynei hesteka, ho de Iesous aei swzei me ek twn cheirwn tou kakou. eucharizw se w Iesou ho Swter mou.


Post 11

woofti aka groovy gravy

Yes I am in the midst of yet another skirmish in the ongoing fight to enforce the manifestation of the Word. We stand against the waves of enemy action, because he is very anxious that the Word be not manifested in the lives of God's children. We stand in the gap. It is difficult work. This is why I have to endure the wyrm in my flesh; it is that by which the enemy attacks me, bringing the battle right into my very body of flesh, and my soul, and my mind. So I stand. I stand, while God confirms my testimony to a heart of disbelief. The attack I have is the struggle of the spirit of disbelief to quench my testimony.

Hi' mara eilai ki ani 'omeid bidvar ha'elohim vidvar adonai bepivi vehu' ve'eiti uvemiktevi.

ki chai devar-'elohim chazaq vechad mikkol-charav

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