This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

It's a cold day. I have slept for most of it until now, when I think it is a politic time to get up. I am happy in Jesus today.

Pasa gyne... yeah too right! Oh, what an advertisement! Screeching and insisting on their "rights".


Well, I'm still waiting for Mamacos to come with the curtains. I notice they don't mind making me wait, and get sarky when I ask, but when the time comes to pay -- I shall make them wait as long as they made me wait.

Halis ekhomai twn gynaikwn.

I wish they wouldn't keep going on about unbelieving Jews on Revelation TV. They are painting Israel as a third world country on Segal's programme.

Poor old Ben. He'll be off the sex offenders' register now.

Ou bouletai eidenai he thygater dio paizetai aute ten dynamin boulomene.

If you want to be God's people, you'd better learn that getting attacked is part and parcel of being God's people. Want the physical? Have it.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Some time ago I was praying, and I said to Jesus, Thank you for dying for me. And Jesus answered, and said, "It was a privilege to die for you". And I realised how much Jesus loves me. And I cried.

He loves us so much. God is love, and that's all we need: his love. To become aware, just even a bit, of how much he loves us. He loves us SO MUCH. He loves us so much! He wants us to be still and know that he is God. Just to sit in his presence and feel his love, to realise his love for us. "For the joy that was set before him he endured the Cross, scorning its shame".


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Phoned Revelation TV to make a donation to their building fund. I hope I can afford it! Yes, I'm sure I can. Spoke to a lovely lady who was very very kind to me. Bless her. I didn't get her name. I wish I had. Never mind. She was so kind and sweet. God is love, it's so lovely, it's such a refreshment for me.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

There's a bloke on the television teaching truth.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

I saw the spirit of Christianity... that's what I call it... I don't think it's very popular, what I have been shown, but I have to be faithful to what God shows me. Not very popular!


Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

There... I hooked up the radio to the amp and mixer, and got it working, in my den. Nice... I'll maybe have to have new cables made up for the hifi in there.


Post 7

woofti aka groovy gravy

OK, I've got a bunch of tracts, for Volume 2, well over 50. I need to select ones that I want to make into individual tracts.

Gosh. It was nice to chat to the lady at Revelation TV.

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