This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Slept well last night. Woke up at around seven am, and realised it was light, so I realised I'd slept nicely in the night.

I have escaped by the skin of my teeth, said Job (I think).

I am wondering whether the spirit that I saw yesterday - the one with the distinctive taste, feel and look - is godly or not. Or is it a counterfe


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Praise the Lord! he is faithful.

O God! we are all weak, sinful, foolish men.

Bless the Lord, O my Soul, and let all that is within me bless his holy Name.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

God looks after me so well. No-one else will! He's already chosen me a wife, but she refuses to have anything to do with me. He's given me a job, only for a rebellious woman to have taken it away from me! My life is entirely dependent on God, which means I'm at the mercy of his people, and their faithfulness to what God wants. But they won't do what God wants, so I'm left out in the cold, while those whom he has appointed to come alongside me and help me in life, are too busy doing their own thing, to worry about me, because of course I don't matter, because I hardly exist, why? because my life is hidden with Christ in God. Where's the faithfulness? When I return, said Jesus, will I find faith on earth? I can't just do what I want to do, because I need those people whom God has appointed to help me, to help! But they won't! Because ... because ... because they're too busy doing their own thing, to worry about obeying God.

This is what it's like for me all the time, says Jesus. I'm giving you a taste of how I feel, he says. My people are too busy having a good time, to worry about spending time with me. Hard, isn't it, he says.

They mocked me too, he says. Used my Book as a weapon formed against me. They won't bear my disgrace; they prefer to enjoy themselves.

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