This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Slept most of the day. Didn't watch the footbrawl last night; instead I watched about 40 minutes of The Green Mile, with Tom Hanks and David Morse, amongst others.

Don't harsh my mellow, dude.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Am watching Revelation TV over the Internet, on the big TV in the lounge. The programme has just ended. Hoi gar filoi apo twn filwn autwn ouk eklepsan. Tekna men gar ponera ouk aspazomai en tois domois emois, ekballw d' autous ek twn pylwn emwn. exw hoi kynes kai hoi farmakoi kai hoi pornoi kai hoi foneis kai hoi eidwlolatroi kai pas filwn kai poiwn pseudos. "Outside are the dogs and the sorcerors and the fornicators and the murderers and the idolaters and all who love and practise falsehood" Rev 22:15.

I listen to Amerikan radio and am watching an Amerikan television programme, and they give temperatures in Fahrenheit.

I have just now, ten minutes ago, suddenly realised the force of the present active indicative tense in Ancient and Koine Greek. It's wonderful! I realise! I see! It's different from the English, it's much like the English periphrastic present continuous "I am living", "I keep on living". For quite a number of instances where you use the present tense in English, you translate it with the aorist in Greek. Remembering that the aorist isn't a tense, but a mood of the verb. And remembering that the aorist stem is often identical with the future stem. The aorist subjunctive is a kind of future. It denotes an action that may very well take place.

I have been reading into Greek grammar with two books, Dana and Mantey, and Goodwin.

Tim is entirely unable to control this dreadful pro-abortion woman, who is the worst advertisement for her cause, because she is entirely incontinent and continually accusing and shouting and screaming at the woman on the other side. She is bringing up old newspaper articles and shouting and screaming at --- this is the most appalling slanging match, the pro-abortion woman is extremely ill-mannered and this television show ought not to be repeated, it's appalling and shows everyone except the anti-abortion woman in a bad light. The Northern Irish lady is lovely, well-mannered, polite, courteous; the pro-murderment woman is strident, unpleasant, foneus kakiste kai daimonisamene, foneus, foneus, foneus, geennathen geennade te.

Rev 22:15 talks about the "murderers" and I always used to wonder why it singled out murderment as a particular sin. Of course, now I realise, it's there because of all the abortion. And it mentions the 'pornoi', and this covers licentiousness and lewdity both hetero- and homosexualist. (I had to turn the sound down on the abortion 'debate' because the pro woman was so extremely unpleasant and nasty, and Tim so ineffectual in preventing the proceedings from degenerating into a cat-fight. kai thaumazetai hws ho nomos tais gynaikais ten exousian demotiken me eaei!) Like the poet, I see the buildings of the capital cities of the world, awash with blood running down the walls and the lift shafts and staircases, the doors and corridors and chimney-stacks and fireplaces gushing with the blood of the unborn, crying out for justice. I see blood flowing down the gutters of the great streets of the world, pouring into the drains and coursing underfoot in the subterranean sewerage conduits. I see cities afloat on rivers and oceans of innocent blood. The rivers will turn to blood. kai ho tritos (sc. angelos) exekheen ten fialen autou eis tous potamous kai tas pegas twn hydatwn kai egeneto haima. Rev. 16:4 kai men gar thewrw autas enantias twi telebleptrwi biazousas ta proswpa twi heautwn koprwi, ta de heautwn proswpa perialeifousas, ankhousas de twi koprwi, kai horousas to haima twn anamartetwn gelousin hws ekkhei ek tou telebleptrou eis ta stomata khaskonta autwn.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Le Seigneur m'a guarde dans le paume de sa main, et il n'y a point de place plus sauve. Il m'a promis la vie eternelle, mais au moment je ne fais rien pour l'extension et la manifestation de sa gloire, je ne fais que l'attendre. Je ne sais pas beaucoup au sujet de la Royaume, mais une chose que je sais bien, c'est attendre a Dieu. Je sais comment attendre a Dieu, c'est la seule chose que je sais faire en Dieu. L'amour est patient...

Makrothymei he agape.

Dwsei emoi ho Pater gynaika emen? The next big thing... that's what has been said. It's Tuesday today. I'm not sure, but I think Nolita is coming today. The next big thing... what is it to be? I've been through so many different seasons. There isn't really one major theme running through it all. The only word that comes to mind again and again, is "holy". What is this word? Hagios in Greek, qodesh in Hebrew. The only wise God. That's a really inspiring little portion of Scripture, the ending of Romans. Really good coda. Pity you can't reproduce Greek here ... but I've said that times enough.

Gadol elohai, ki gadol elohai. I wish there were Hebrew subtitles on this song, How Great is our God. It's being sung in Hebrew in a recording made in Jerusalem. Lovely, lovely. Rachelle Fisher is on there as well, looking lovely as ever. She is a pretty girl.

I slept most of Monday; I kept waking up, at 10:20am, at 11:20 and so on up until about five, when I decided to get up. I felt sluggish and sad yesterday afternoon, it wasn't very nice. I need the victory of Jesus; it's difficult on your own. Two are better than one.

tovim hashshnayim min-ha'echad asher yeish lahem sakhar tov ba'amalam.
ki-'im yippolu ha'echad yaqim et-chaveiro
ve'ilo ha'echad sheyyippol ve'ein sheini lahaqimo.
gam 'im-yishkevu shnayim vecham lahem ule'echad eikh yeicham?
ve'im yitqefo ha'echad hasshnayim ya'amedu negdo
vehachut hamsshulash lo vimeheirah yinnateiq.

Two are better than one, for they have an goodlie reward for their work.
For if one should fall, his friend can help him up.
Woe to the single man who calls and hasn't got anyone to help him up!
Again, if two lie down, they have warmth; but how does one get warmth?
One may be overpowered, but two support each other.
Indeed a threefold cord is not quickly snapped.

It is now past six o'clock on Tuesday 15th so I'd better start today's Journal.

smiley - run

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