This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

I am having difficulty realising what day it is today. I didn't go out yesterday, that's why. For the longest time I thought it was Friday. I was thinking about asking Mohammed to bring a gas bottle and I thought, It's Friday today, and Rubadub, so he might want to go to the Mosque and prostrate himself before a big fat angry woman in the sky, who will reward him with feelings of dread, horror, fear and terrors and and a funny skin.

I am weary; I keep falling asleep. Perhaps I should lie back and have a bit of a kip. I have been up since yesterday afternoon about half five.

smiley - sleepy


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Right it's twenty to two. I have slept. I fell asleep during The Savage Nation and when I woke up, in the last half hour of the show, they were playing repeated chunks of his opinionating. "Wake up, idiot," he told me. Do we want HTML and full formatting on hootoo? It wouldn't be the same. I find it amazing, and welcome, that this format of hootoo has remained the same since I started back in April 2005. That was nine years ago. Amazing to think that for nine years, almost every day, I have written a Journal on these, hootoo pages. They updated hootoo a while ago. This page, this hootoo page is a bit retro. That's why I like it. It's retro and it hasn't even been made so by some trendy designer. They've just left it to become retro wth time.

Twenty-five past two. I've just fallen asleep and woken up again.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

fell asleep again.

If they did evening shopping at Tyger Valley, and closed at about ten, then I'd go through now, and have an evening there. If the shops stayed open until ten, I'd go there now. But I doubt that they do. I doubt that the shops stay open long past six. I suppose I /could/ go now, and pick up my thing I want to buy, but it is a bit late. And it would probably mean me driving back home in the dark, which I am keen to avoid.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

Well I've slept through most of Saturday. I need to go out to the Cavendish and pop in to @home, to see if they've got the cleaning tablets for my coffee machine, which I can't use at the moment because it needs cleaning. Well I could use it I suppose, but I am waiting until I've put it through a cleaning cycle.

I heard an advert on KARN for a coffee machine that makes a whole pot! that would be cool... because the ones you get at the moment, including my one, only makes one cup at a time.

"The smallest State in the Union" -- that's quaint, I've never heard the US referred to as "the Union" before, but it's quite logical, seeing as the country's called the "United" States. America! Wow! What a name! America! The name carried with it a heay load of glossy, shiny mind control.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

I keep falling asleep. I have slept for most of today. It's this chair... it's extremely comfortable.


Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

I can't believe I spent between the ages of about 12 and 18 on the Isle of Sheppey.

Let's see, that would have been 1980-81 until 1987. I left home properly in about, oh I dunno, I suppose 1988 was when I stopped going 'home', I think, after I started 'living out' at Oxford. I think since living out in 1988 I have always had a home of my own.

Well I wasn't able to go back to Parsonage after Sarah moved in. And I couldn't stay with my MAP because it was dangerous. So yeah, I've had a home of my own since I was about 18 I think. The family home was a place of pain. I couldn't wait to get away.

Where have I lived, over the years from schooldays to date?

69-75: Chatham, Kent
75-79: Rainham, Kent
80-86 Eastchurch, Isle of Sheppey
87-92 Oxford
90 Freiburg
91 Jo'burg
92 Stellenbosch
93 Wotton Underwood
94-95 Cape Town
96-98 Aberdeen; Lytham St Annes
99 Upington; Cape Town
00 Aberdeen
01 Aberdeen
02 En route Aberdeen > Cape Town
03 Leeds
04 Leeds
05 Stellenbosch
06 Stellenbosch
07 Aberdeen
08 Stirling
09 Stirling
10 Sir Lowry's Pass
11 Cape Town
12 Cape Town
13 Cape Town

And I am set to spend the forseeable future here.

So it looks like I finally settled down in 2011.

And I started writing properly in 2012. I've been writing my tracts since 2012. Just wrote the latest one last night, which AM and Helga both liked; I wrote what I think is my best one, a few days ago, on "hrphy" in the Psalms. I think that one is good enough to make into a paper tract.

Right, I have made that tract. It strikes me I could make tracts out of all my radio pieces, separate tracts; and the collections are the collections. If I were more organised I would do this; but I think not having a real distribution network is a hindrance. If I had people waiting for materials to distribute, I would get onto it; but I haven't. But I'm making prototypes of all the tracts, which I must gather together and keep. Perhaps I can take them to the copy shop and ask them to make 500 copies of each; then I can take them to someone in a township and pay them to fold the tracts.

I need to get a bunch of pastors willing to distribute my tracts in their churches, I suppose; I need to find who is going out tracting, and provide them with materials to give. But most, if not all of my tracts are teaching tracts for Christians, not evangelical tracts. Those were the responsibility of Rigby. I was the teacher, he was the evangelist. Poor old Rig. Oh well he's all right now.

Listening to CCFM now, having had American radio on all day. I'm spoilt for radio. I might even try finding another radio station to enjoy, when there's nothing on either of my current two.

CCFM's FM audio dropped out, so I'm streaming instead. Gotta love the technology. Since 2008 in Stirling I've been optimally maximised for technology. Basically since I got my first Netbook, it's been ideal. I'm the same more or less here as I was in Stirling; got satellite telly, internet on lap, sitting in the Entertainment Chair, very comfy; got Internet Radio and FM Radio behind me, and a CD player and a turntable should I need those. All playing through my home-made amp, which gives my Cape Town setup that edge over Stirling.

Well the telly doesn't play through the amp, it doesn't need to because it's got good sound. But the amp is very good.

All the people on CCFM are saying Germany must win the World Cup. Seeing as Argentina and Germany are both Britain's historical enemies, I don't know who to root for. I think possibly I shall remain neutral.

It strikes me this evening that I am a life member of OUCA.

(Oxford University Conservative Association)


Post 7

woofti aka groovy gravy

The wyrm suddenly flared up tonight, and it injects thoughts into my mind, which it then accuses me of having. It's relentless. The Lake of Fire is the only logical and possible place for the demons to go. It's the logical extension of the way they are now, just as heaven is the logical extension of the way we are now (God's children, ta tou Theou tekna). The smoke from their burning will rise forever before the Lamb and his saints.

Rev 21:6 Kai eipen moi Gegonan.

This means "And he said to me, It has happened.

He who overcomes will inherit all this.

Overcoming. The overcoming life. Overcoming what? I would suggest, the world, the flesh, the devil. If by the Power of Christ you have, by perseverance, overcome the world, the flesh and the deuil, then you will inherit all the good things that God has promised to his children. But you have to overcome these things. This would seem to be the distinction between those who have a happy eternity, and those who suffer loss.

The worm also blindfolds me and takes me away. It really is vicious. It seeks to distract me from life. It is injecting thoughts now, as I write this.

It is very subtle. But not as subtle as God's Spirit; and the Spirit is helping me to overcome the wyrm in my flesh. Its main preoccupation is to convince me that I am not saved. It has caused me the most appalling humiliation and difficulty in my life, and when the time comes for me to judge it, I am going to do so with justice. There is a Lake of Fire waiting.

The beautiful ones, well sometimes they aren't so beautiful when they look at me and judge me because they see me sub specie temporis rather than sub specie eternitatis. Like that little boy in the Gilc church. It wasn't helpful.

Still, all that is in the past now. Niggash. We are coming near, we will come near. haNogeshim anachnu, we are those who draw near.

That would be a good title for a magazine, "qeriat haNogeshim", the Cry of the Approaching.

The Cry of the Approaching.

"Drawing near", I saw this in the NT somewhere. I read that 'to make someone come near' was to bring people into the Presence of God. Higgish, leHaggiysh, Maggiysh being the Part. Meggiyshim > hammeggishim > Those who Bring People Near. Word for Evangelists.

haMeggishim qor'im mehaketuvim haqodeshim.

the evangelists are reading from the holy Scriptures

The Wyrm is gradually losing power, being winkled out from my flesh, they are gradually prevailing over it. One day it will disappear with a quiver and never come near me again. The Lord is on its case ... viz Helga talking about the eustachian and Fallopian tubes. That will be a great, great day, when it finally disappears. Let's stand fast in the purposes of God for our lives. Genethetw to thelema sou. Amen.

When we walk in the Spirit, we are fulfilling the Law.

What I want to do in my Pentateuch series is to give a believer's reading of the Law, OK, to show what is being fulfilled in our walk.

My writing on the law isn't prescriptive, it's descriptive. This is the crucial point to understand about the way I approach the law. Just as when a Christian does right, he isn't consciously applying anything, but is simply, unconsiously flowing in the Spirit, so my work isn't designed to tell people how to live, but it describes how people are living, how the law is being fulfilled though believers' lives.

So it's a mirror, rather than a book of instruction. You get your instruction negatively. So that if the book says something that you haven't got, or that you aren't walking in, then you will be driven to the Lord to ask him whether there is anything lacking in your life. Shalom means "fulfilled". So my work is a description of the fulfilled law, which is Christ ("I came to fulfil the law").

You cannot follow the law consciously. This is works.

The law is fulfilled in us. It is written in our HEARTS, not in our minds. See? We live in the Spirit, so that through the Spirit we walk in the fulfilment of the Law.

The Lord gives us his will to walk in. It is not our consciously obeying commandments, but it is flowing in the Life, Word and Spirit of God, during which, incidentally, the law is fulfilled in us.

The law is what it looks like. It is as it were a simulacrum, just as the temple is a simulacrum of the heavenly temple.

So we don't follow a picture of life! We live the actual life!

And our lives will be described by the law, which is a picture of the life we live.

And that's my answer to those Torah-keeping non-Jewish Messianics. I don't know if the Jews need special teaching when they come to Christ.

"nomos" without the article refers to that by which I consciously obey a written commandment. It is my consciously obeying something. It stands for "the flesh" really. It's that in my flesh which comes alive when I consciously obey God. Because I don't consciously obey him, I just live, and Christ obeys him through me. That's it.

Well I think that's right, and the voices around me think so too. The guy I've written to writes this:

What does this mean? "really understanding the covenant of law"?

Paul keeps the Torah "through fidelity of the new covenant" through the Blood. What does this mean? How would Paul experience this? I am telling him how I experience this, phenomenologically, and I am saying it is the difference between active and passive. I do not obey the Law; the Law is obeyed in me (by Christ).

When I try to obey, my flesh comes alive.

When the Law is obeyed, my flesh is dead and my spirit lives.

That's how I understand it. Well it's how I live.


Post 8

woofti aka groovy gravy

The angels, and those people (usually women) whose voices I hear, commenting whenever I veer off the straight and narrow, these people and beings are bound to react, to reflexively comment whenever I get it wrong, whenever I move out of the Spirit into my flesh.

It can get really subtle. And they always see it, presumably because they get a red light or something. Or they just see something.

But believers aren't bound like this to react whenever I miss the mark. Because we're free. We're not bound. So those Christians who react like angels, they aren't living in freedom. Which is interesting, because I think many of them think that living like an angel, being bound to the law, IS freedom. It isn't. It's still slavery. It's still the Old Covenant.

Angelic consciousness and reactions aren't saved. Angels don't need to be saved. We aren't angels. If we have an angelic consciousness, we need to die to that, to enter into LIFE. the Life of God.

So those believers who react to me, they must realise, in their reacting they are not only exhibiting their need for salvation, but they are oppressing me as well.

Good. Nice to clear that up.


Post 9

woofti aka groovy gravy

Oh, and in speech, we aren't bound to words in the way that unsaved people or angels are. If I say something you don't have to jump on it. Freedom is about not being bound by one's words. I mean the negative ones, you know, if someone says something and you answer, you know what I mean. Well I do anyway.

So. All those things which have dogged me for so long, about Christians, I realise now they are unsaved behaviours, behaviours that come from slavery, not from freedom. I've been allowing myself to be oppressed by slaves for years! OK, time for this to stop!

Yeah. Great. No need to worry about people trying to bind you and scotch you and clog you up and stop you and so on. That's all nonsense. We are free.

Now, the law of accusation stands. Oh yes. But we don't accuse, God's people, we don't accuse, so that law is irrelevant to our lives.


Speak positively! Speak according to the FULFILLED law!

The law is fulfilled! Finished! I do not obey the Law! Christ has obeyed the law! Tense is important you see.

Present passive can contain present perfect passive.

So the tenses in which we describe our lives, they matter.

but we don't want to get prescriptive about this. And whenever anything is written down, there seems to be a temptation to take it prescriptively.

Which is missing the point of it completely.

In your freedom you can hear the voices. You're not bound to them. Psychotic boundedness to the voices = lack of Christian freedom.

If you "follow" a voice, it will tie you up. yeah.

that's why you don't follow them, just leave them.


Post 10

woofti aka groovy gravy

Now, I've got a bunch of articles which I can make Vol 2 out of, or I can make pamphlets out of them individually.

Basically I need a distribution network. I shall have to ask the Father to give me one.


Post 11

woofti aka groovy gravy

I notice the SAP auctioned off their surplus Casspirs in 2008. I wouldn't have minded a Casspir to drive! Something different, anyway. One could have converted it into a mobile home with a bedroom, bathroom and kitchen at the back. Plenty big enough.

Poor old Guy. He gets a lot of garbage from me. Spiegelspiel. Spieelspel.

Hy dink ironies dat hy het
'n Spieel voor sy vriend gesit;
maar nou, 'n onding, die twee spieel mekaar!
Vergeet dit, vriend, ons is saam in die net.

I wrote this for Cornelia Blanckenberg in 1991-2 in Stellenbosch.

I subsequently met her at Cape Town Airport in about 2007? I think. that was 7 years ago. She was looking fine, had horror stories to tell about Stellenbosch University. Her job had changed from teaching undergraduates to read Afrikaans poetry, to teaching undergraduates to read. I don't know how you can get into a University without being able to read, though. Very odd.

Back in 1990 there was a phrase in currency in Johannesburg, at Wits University, "intellectual terrorism" I think it was. If someone got 8 out of 10 questios wrong, on a test paper, it was "intellectual terrorism" to give them 20% mark. That was intellectual terrorism.

You see.


Post 12

woofti aka groovy gravy

I don't know why but I've put all the words in my tracts up to date, in transliteration. I don't know why. Because that's an appalling solecism of orthography.

Chokhmat hamiskein bezuyah.

This is a sad truth, even today. God sees to it, of course, that all things work together. But even so, the wisdom of the poor is usually ignored.

There have been occasions when it wasn't. At His People, for instance, back in the mid 90s. I had some ... input to give. Well, you know, it was a very amazing time, back then. I was called upon to give a testimony in the form of some intervention to a very powerful man, and it was pretty hairy. He waited for half an hour, making me wait, and came in in a fury of haste; if he had been wearing a gown it would have been billowing out behind him. All done to intimidate. And this was a man of God. Well I was too foolish to be intimidated by the behaviour. Even so, he had a better incarnation than the Scot. The Scot was a bit freaked out, and I always say you're standing a bit outside the flow, if you're freaked out, you're not quite completely there, it's disincarnate spirituality that makes you freaked out. That's what I think anyway. The only noticeable thing about a fully incarnate man of God is that he is full of joy, and full of peace. You can be full of just joy, or you can be full of just peace, but to be full of joy AND peace - AND righteousness - at the same time, is impossible to bring off by fakery. There are many in God's flock who are good people, and filled with the Spirit, but they are freaked out. And you can't be freaked out, man. No no no. You gotta disappear while the Spirit incarnates that Word. You disappear, and the Word is there, and that's beautiful. The yielded life is the annihilated life, you see. I yet not I. The same things over and over again. I don't know very much. It's 4:18. I'm wondering whether to go to bed. I don't want to go to bed. Anyway, you don't want to be freaked out because you're a believer. Too many freaked out believers. Yeah.


Post 13

woofti aka groovy gravy

Someone might ask: What does "disincarnate" mean? OK, let's look at the word.

dis- means "not"

-carn- means "flesh", as in "carnivore", flesh-eater.

-ate is from a Latin ending which indicates something done.

So incarnate means "enfleshed", you see? Clothed with flesh.

Disincarnate means "non-enfleshed", i.e., not clothed with flesh.

Disincarnate spirituality is when the Word isn't clothed with flesh.

The Word is an eternal Spirit, you see. He is God, after all. But as we read in John, the Word became flesh. The Word was incarnate. The Word was clothed with flesh.

But not just clothed with flesh; the Word BECAME flesh. The Word interpenetrates Jesus like treacle interpenetrates the sponge in a sponge pudding. And we become One with Christ, you see. The Unio Mystica. It doesn't just happen on the level of the spirit. It isn't just that our hearts become one with God - which they do, because Paul says we become "one spirit" - but that God graces our flesh as well. Our whole person is transformed in the Way. Now, the mechanics of how this works in practice, are described in the theology of discipleship.

So as we become one with Christ, we become one with the Word, and our whole person is transformed.

So you remain normal, a normal person, but you become transformed as a whole.

You might get visions and stuff, but this doesn't mean you become weird with visions! You might get wisdom, but you don't have to grow a beard and wear a robe.

So you don't get freaked out by the Spirit. That's Gnosticism. Gnostics were all weirdy and hyper-spiritual. In fact the signs of hyper-spirituality are signs of the flesh.

Just normal. That's why we know Paul as "Paul of Tarsus" - a normal bloke, comes from a city, same as most people. It doesn't call him "Paul of Heaven", even though he is seated in heavenly places. Despite the reality of the New Birth, there is a continuity. Not freaked out.

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