This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

It's 6.37 on Thursday morningzone and I'm just crashing. Listening to Michael Savage, Man of Angry Nose, Annoyed Spleen and an Irritated Man of Mt Paetko.

A man of Giant Jelly-fish. I need to work.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Oh well that was it. Now it's Red-Eye Radio. Well, I've had my Red-Eye time, that has just passed. Bit of an Anticlimax, truth be told.

I need to go to Stellenbosch, and on the way home, I need to go to Tyger Valley. So it looks like I'll go there on the M10/M12, and come back on the N1 so I can pop in to Tyger valley on the way home. Because I'm worth it. No, because I can't imagine myself fighting through the Northern Suburbs trying to get from Stellenbosch to Tyger Valley going the country roads. I enjoyed Michael Savage this morning, although I dozed through the last hour of it. I think I'll continue to doze until nine when I'll leave for Stellies.

Well it's Germany vs Argentina in the World Cup football final on Sunday. I may try to find out and watch it on the television, it may be an interesting diversion to be watching the same thing as lots of other people.

Listening to my Little Sonata for cello and piano. I so wish I could get someone to play this and record it for me. I like the music. I need to get a proper opinion of it; well, I'd like someone to look at it and comment critically really. Also the Theme and Variations, the Sonatina, the Elegy - these four pieces, plus the solo cello music, that I wrote in a spell of creativity lasting from September last year until end April this year. It appears to have dried up now. Funny how that works - the absolute need to write music came upon me, and I wrote a lot of music, about 50 minutes' worth. And then it just stopped coming.

I have got someone practising the Theme and Variations but I haven't found any string players, I need a violist and a cellist, and a violinist if there's a concert including the Jewish Folksongs. Anyway let's try for that soon.

Just waiting for Mamacos really. They must come and do the wallpaper and the curtains. Then I will fix up my den again and it will be lovely in there, then I can start work again. I hesitate to start working in here because of all the books I'd need to bring through, it would be a total mess in here, books everywhere. The books must stay at that end of the flat.

I started work on the Theme and Variations in Claremont in 2000 and finished them in January 2014. They appear to be my most successful music of that creative spell. It's a shame that I am so dependent on inspiration to compose. It would be crap if the music I wrote was very bad; why bother being inspired if the inspiration gives rise to crap music? The inspiration must come from God, though.

Right. I'm just listening to some music, the Theme and Variations, the Sonatina, the Elegy, then I'll get in the car and drive to Stellies.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

News radio 102.9 KARN. Very good.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

Went down to my PO Box and found a slip, my glasses have arrived. I'm wearing them now. They seem OK.

Nice day out today.

Waiting for Mamacos. Breaking Bad got 16 nominations for the Emmys. August 25th is the actual show.

Wyrm discomfort. Andrew's movie is on at the Labia. He is keen for me to go. I'd like to, but I don't want to go on my own, really.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

Yeah, a bunch of new friends on KARN, very nice, relaxational. I'm relaxing into the afternoon. It's just past 4pm. I should go to bed tonight. I was very tired this morning, up all night last night. The thing is I don't like going to bed, because I feel I'm missing out on the night. The night is a special time of the day, and I enjoy it very much indeed. But you can't do without sleep. If you do, you damage yourself.

KARN is very Rightist. "It's something to do. Drown your sorrows."

Wow, a dedicated Democrat party activist figure is getting out of politics because of the hybris, because they are so arrogant. Two of them, apparently.

Woman was shot and killed for driving down the highway, in Chicago.

Jesse Jackson, "if we can find four billion dollars for these children, we can find two billion for Chicago". This is the Democrat solution for everything, billions of other people's money handed out among your friends and the situation just gets worse.

x's operation this morning. Gosh I hope he's OK. He hasn't said anything on SMS yet.


Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

Getting a lot out of my radio listening this afternoon. It was very good. Chris Plante was excellent.


Post 7

woofti aka groovy gravy

I see... well Chris Plante was delightful today, I hope he is saved. Just watched a very interesting documentary about Jimmy Savile, they thought he was a wizard with world powers. Probably was, looked like it anyway. God loves me very much, and I love God. Thank the Father for Jesus the Son.

Had a nice chat with Zelda today. Nice to see her anyway. I hope she likes Woorde uit die Woord.

Doc Washburn on now. I expect I shall be in bed betimes tonight.


Post 8

woofti aka groovy gravy

Oh I went to Stellenbosch by a very strange route this morning, it might have been the route I saw on the map last night, but it might not... I think that it was, however. Took me through places I'd never seen before. So it was a goodly drive in Wilfie that didn't take me on the N1.

I wonder what Zelda does all day? Work, I suppose.

It's an interesting old world really, but I'm glad God is my Lord.

Vanishing into God. It's a preoccupation of mind. Folly and wisdom. And the Cross of course. Vanishing into God.



Post 9

woofti aka groovy gravy

Bless you Doc Washburn, you are a mensh. Bless you.


Post 10

woofti aka groovy gravy

Hilariously funny, a leftie moaning about Rush was complaining that his supporters have the right to vote. But diversity is a good thing, surely? Hilarious. Loves "diversity" as long as it's gays, woman, disabled, but not right wingers, oh no, they must be denied the right to vote, diversity doesn't extend to people who think differently from me. Pathetic. Funny, hilarious, but pathetic too, and sad. Because many of them think like this.


Post 11

woofti aka groovy gravy

Basically I had the idea of writing a volume of Words based on the Chumash readings.


Post 12

woofti aka groovy gravy

What IS happening in the world? South American Govts come to agreements which facilitate their populations emigrating to the US, where O'Bamamamama welcomes them with open arms. The Moslem group ISIS has declared a Caliphate. The Illuminati are on the verge of revealing themselves in the UK. Things are really getting hot you know. The End cannot be far away. Things are trembling on the verge of kicking off big time in a way they never have before. Jimmy Savile was a sorceror who directed world events and kept Britain at the centre - Broadcasting House at the centre of the centre, apparently. Leeds is a gate to Hell. Things are getting really interesting, and as they become interesting, I am growing to take my place in the world as events unfold. Things are going faster than the Rightist commentators realise on KARN. Perhaps David Icke realises what's going on; I don't know whether he is too involved with his television etc. Things are kicking off big time.


Post 13

woofti aka groovy gravy

I've got loads of material for Volume 2 of Words, and the conception for Volume 3 is growing in me. Volume 4 will be a start on the Torah project, in which I will do a commentary on the Pentateuch and possibly the Haftorahs by taking central words and seeing what they teach us. Volume 4 might have to be longer than just fifty words. It might take me a long time to complete; I might have to go on to Volume 5 while I'm still busy with 4, if I have an idea for 5.

But anyway, 3 first, and I've got to review the Wisdom lit and find the words I want to study. Tov. Well, think of the teaching packed into that word. vayar' et-ha'or ki tov; Creation theology, anti-Gnosticism, lo-tov, the tov sayings (think of something to say about tov sayings in general), that would be more than 300 words; do we want to keep to 300 words? Or possibly do more than one article on the same word? Because it may happen that the book is read on the radio in the future, and we might need to keep to the same format.


Post 14

woofti aka groovy gravy

It's kicking off... worldwide, the momentum has picked up and things are happening all over. America, N Korea, China? Israel, Syria. In the energy places. the UK has its abuse stuff, as the Illuminati prepare to unveil themselves. "There's been a revolution in the world" - Savage. Yeah, it's kicking off, and God says, Come closer to me, my children, because you're going to need to be very close to me in times to come, soon, the days of fire are upon us. And I'm going to need you very close to me, to escape the delusion, and to move when I move, and to be still when I am still. Hide in me, says God, because the world is about to catch fire, and you mustn't get burnt. Come under my wings, says God, and come close to me. Don't be distracted by events abroad or at home. Just keep your eyes on me, says God.


Post 15

woofti aka groovy gravy

Dibarti ani.

Govts are becoming openly wicked. In the US they are mocking the people. In the UK they are abusing children. The UK system is about to collapse amongst revelations of mass child abuse in all places of power; have I not written it? It will replaced with a Luciferian Govt. The people have been softened up and their feelings of helplessness in the face of the enormity of the revelations will be used by the Luciferians to control them. They say the 3rd WW has just started in Israel. Where are the Chinese in all this? Will they descend on Jerusalem? The people of the world are about to experience what I went through as a child, they are going to be hit with such magick that they will go under and become docile and obedient. The only people to stand will be those believers who have oil in their lamps.

Everyone else will be tranced to oblivion. Believers are advised to get as close to God as possible, so as to escape the great Delusion. Now is the time for great draughts of the Spirit, because the opposition are generating huge amounts of power to his us with. So we need to be FILLED with oil; our lamps must not only have oil, but they must be FILLED with oil.

Families will be energised with Luciferian energies and will learn to draw down power for themselves. The wicked are about to get very wicked, just as the holy are about to become very holy. The British have been softened up with increasing news reports about wickedness so that it becomes an everyday thing to think about. Then the Illuminati will reveal themselves and the wicked will worship Lucifer in public, and people will go into trance, receptive to control.

All the key Luciferian people are already in strategic positions, ready to take control when the Delusion falls. The people will be helpless to resist. Most have no spiritual defences at all.

So what is God saying today? He is calling those who hear him to get as close as possible to him and to be filled - FILLED with the Spirit, to hide in him, because the Delusion is coming and God is the only hiding-place. energeia planes, is the name of the Delusion, an energy of perversion.

So! Drop everything unnecessary and get close to God as on a war footing. The time has come.

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