This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Another Monday. For luncheon I had chips I found in the bin, warmed up and with a bit of Lea & Perrins.

I'm just slobbing around at the moment. Basically waiting for Mamacos to come and do their work in my den. It's bloody cold in my bedroom and colder in my den, but when I move in there I'll have the oil radiator on in there. This will mean I don't use the gas or the paraffin any more.

It will be nice to move back into my den though. It'll be nice to sit in a really warm room again. I used to have that back in the old days when I had the gas on in there. But I won't have the gas on in there again, despite loving it; I won't have room in there for the gas heater with my new plans for the decor and furnishing. It's going to be textiles everywhere, just like the Public Area of the flat. Curtains are going to be everywhere and then I'll have a throw on the Chaise Longue in amazing colours (I have to do that - it's a terribly boring colour at the moment). I shall do something about the chair in there (a throw, probably, or something, I have yet to decide) and the coffee table in the middle, which I plan on, should have a cloth on it. I want to make it so that I never have to have a book on the floor. Having books on the floor is very bad form. I'll still probably have my old rug in there. It just needs a really good hoover.

I'm going to have to wire everything up really carefully, using either cable ties or cable tidies, probably cable ties, I don't know. The cables from the mixer to the transmitter will have to be procur'd. All the hifi is going on a table against the window wall, with the mixer within easy reach. It's going to be a mega little room. Really mega. My den. The Entz Machine will go in the bookcase. Everything will be tidy and firmly in place, unlike the previous configuration, where things were all a bit ad hoc. I really can't wait to sit in there listening to the rain pounding on the windows trying vainly to get in. In the old days, it used to pour in the far window end. Terrible.

Anyway. God be praised. Help me, O Lord, please. For you have been my God since my youth.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Listening to KARN Talk Radio from Little Rock, Arkansas. It's very good. Three confirmed cases of tuberculosis, and in another place there are four teenagers infected with tuberculosis. After years of bustedland it's so bracing and entertainentalist to hear another point of view. Nice to hear a sensible, nutritiounal and nourishing point of view for a very nice change. I'm enjoying the present show, then there's Rush, then there's a new guy Doc Washburn, then it will be time for bedington, if I can do that. Timothy Buppington shot his ex-wife in the back of the head in the late 90s and he's disappeared and vanished without a trace. Amerikan Politition (sic) says Violent Crime is his No. 1 Priority. Well that's all right then.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Ah, Rush is on to criticise and blame Mr O'Bamamamama for everything. That's good. I've been a bit tired and lame this afternoon, dozing off in my chair. It was cold last night - 2 degrees I think I'm right in saying - and Yollyism isn't an Abrahamic religion: it is an Ibrahimic religion. There's only one of those.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

No-body has denied anything in any of David Icke's books. The lemonade. The throttling mirder. The spasms. Nothing denied.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

I keep myself away from green cheese these days. I got fed up with Mr Gascoigne's brain. But in my email inbox this afternoon - a bicycle painted yellow. Mr Gascoigne's brain. Even in my very inbox, forsooth!


Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

It's a hot day in Little Rock, Arkansas. 93 degrees or thereabouts. That must be nearly 30 degrees. Nice hot day. Had a lovely mutton curry pie for supper. I heated it up in the microwave and ate it with a fork. It was lekker.

Listening to Doc Washburn on the radio. Enjoying his dark voice, it's a lovely timbre for the radio.

Looking forward to going to bed the night.

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