This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

When God arises in you in power, the first people to start giving you a hard time are the Christians.

I was thrown completely off balance by a very silly person, it really won't do. What am I supposed to do, lock myself away when the Spirit comes upon me? And as for those people ... a thimbleful, perhaps.

Sunday afternoon.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

So, Davros, hey? I wonder if Davros uses underarm spray, or underspray arm as the Afrikaner in Germiston put it. WD40. Wash your face, Davros, or the ANTS will eat it. Eaten by ants. The Word is out there, and the women angrily shriek, Pride! their own downfall. That's what happens when you MESS with God's prophet, Gelga. MESS with him, and he, like Elisha of old, will call down a curse, and the ANTS will eat your face until there is no pride left. It all comes spurting out in a jet black stream of stinking Devil's-piss out of the hole where your heart was. Spurt, spurt, it comes pulsing weakly and dribbles over all your clothes, so that you need white GARMENTS if you want to attend the Feast in the morning. What's that? Haven't got any white garments? Then outside with you, where there will be weeping, and GNASHING. Gnash, gnashing of teeth. And the smoke from the burning of the Devil's-angels will rise forever before the Lamb and his saints. Amen.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

The earth is turned to a swamp of flaming blood, the blood of the innocent slain, whose cry is "Justice, justice!"


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

God beamed Enoch up to heaven. He disappeared. His name means "Dedicated".


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

No man can say, "I am not". Well, we've got the materials for Volume 2 of Words from the Word. It needs some revision still. There's a mistake in one of the pieces. I can't remember what it is now, but I remember spotting a mistake. So that has to be found and corrected.

He who is in God knows not that he is in God.

This is probably the most direct statement to be garnered from my latest piece of writing. Paul said the same: Now that you know God, or rather, are known by God". Because to know God is to be known by God. Similarly, I only know my friend to the extent that I am known by my friend, and know myself to be known. Knowing oneself known is a great comfort in life. When the Spirit shows you that God knows you, completely, it is a great comfort.

God knows us, and he loves us. This miracle is because God is love; it is made possible through the Blood of Jesus. Jesus' Blood washes away all that in us which obscures us from knowing that God knows us. Because if we do not know that God knows us, we might forget God. So God sent Jesus to make sure that we can be made fit to stand before God, and see ourselves seen. "You are the God who sees me," said Hagar; similarly, Adam turned from one who sees, to one who is seen, and more, one to sees himself seen. And to see yourself seen is to become a human person in the full sense of the word. Seeing oneself seen is a great comfort in life. This is why we have families, so that we can learn to see ourselves seen, and enjoy the reality of human personhood in safety.

Of course, some people never learned how to see themselves seen, because they were not safe in their family, because their family was not a place of safety where you could be seen. Such people are hurting, because they do not see themselves as seen, and lack that essential comfort which makes us human. Such comfort in humanity is the birthplace of compassion. Those who know what it is like, not to see that they are seen, need the experience of the compassion of God; they need God to see them, more, they need to see themselves seen by God. Then they can receive the comfort of God. Because they remember what it was like not to see themselves as seen, and how painful it was, so they go on to become people of compassion, who desire to help others into the experience of the comfort of seeing that you are seen. They desire to make it safe for other people to see that they are seen.


Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

This is why Eve helped Adam, because she stood before him (kenegdo), which implies, that she saw him, face on, fully. Then Adam turned from one who sees (having seen and named his universe), to one who is seen, and when Eve spoke, he knew that he was seen. This is why we must speak in love, because God sees us in love, and when he speaks to us, we know that we are seen, but that it is safe to be seen, because he who sees us, loves us.

Whereas if we are seen by someone who hates us, we shall be afraid, and cover ourselves, because we fear that we shall be hurt by the one who sees us.

So we must know that God is love, and that he sees us, and that when we know that we are seen, we know ourselves healed, because we are seen by the One who heals us. Relax, and know that I am God, said the Psalmist. That is what "be still" means there.

One could write a whole tract on that.


Post 7

woofti aka groovy gravy

Be still and know (Psalm 46:10)

Knowing the word underlying “be still” in this verse of Scripture will help us to uncover all its richness. It is more than just “be quiet so that you can hear God”. The word is harpu, from the verb raphah, which means “to relax, to sink down”, in other words, to relax as in sinking down into a warm, comfortable bed.

The word implies that we must let go of all tensions, even those tensions of fear and shame, that prevent us from allowing ourselves to be fully known. For it is as we are known by God, that we know him. Knowing speaks of the most intimate union possible between two persons; the same word is used in the Bible for the marital relationship. To know God is to uncover oneself before him and stand before him naked, without any covering, not even a fig leaf to cover our shame; for we have no need to be ashamed before God.

Knowing, then, is about mutual exposure; God exposes himself to us by seeing us, revealing himself to us as the God who sees us; and we expose ourselves to God by being seen. Knowing that we are seen is a great comfort, because if we are fully seen, we have nothing to hide, and nothing to fear, and can relax properly. This Scripture commands us to relax, to relax completely, so that we can stand before God without any self-covering of shame. In other words, we stand open before God, all defences lowered, seen completely, known completely.

It is as we realise – maybe gradually, maybe suddenly – that not only does God see us for the entirety of who we are, but that he loves us, that we come to the knowledge that such a One is, and can only be, the God who made us.


Post 8

woofti aka groovy gravy

It's freezing cold again (4 degrees at the Airport). I'm warm enough though. Sitting in the lounge. If I get cold I'll light the fire.


Post 9

woofti aka groovy gravy

Apparently some township people wanted me to go and speak to them, but because communication doesn't seem to be a concept understood in the townships, and no-one appears to know what an email address is, or what to do with it, no-one has come forward with a serious proposal. All I've heard is vague throwaway comments at second hand, Oh, so-and-so wanted you to go and speak. Hopeless.

Well no-one can say I haven't tried. I've spent my own money making an edition for the people to read, and no attempt has been made to contact me using any of the means I've provided on the inside of the book.

There's only so much you can do. Helga was disobedient and cut off the only platform I had because of her own self-righteousness. What else am I supposed to do? God wants his message out there but his people prefer to disobey him. It's pathetic.


Post 10

woofti aka groovy gravy

And of course leaning on the hand of Egypt is no use because it's too busy stuffing its face with all the pies.

All I need is help, which isn't forthcoming because of fear and pride.

Old Paul was right: all a man wants to do is sit by the riverside and fish.

God is in control; but when he his people disobey him!

Where is the faith?


Post 11

woofti aka groovy gravy

It's three degrees out there again. Cold.


Post 12

woofti aka groovy gravy

The problem I have with the pro gun people in Amerika is that the logical conclusion of their argument is that they want to be able to shoot the police.

Because if the GUWERMNUT decided to do a genocide of everyone beginning with the letter P, they would make the Police do it, or the Army, and householders would have to shoot the Police when they came to deliver the pink forms.

That's the only problem I have with their position; it's what I've always thought ever since I was a little boy. These people want the right to shoot the police, if the Police were to forcibly enact a piece of legislation which the Gun Toters didn't like.

They are admittedly a bunch of pastry-eating taxidermists.

It's the same case as the person who ate all the pop tarts.

Never leave your cave without your club: never leave your house without your AK-47.


Post 13

woofti aka groovy gravy

Well I've had a lovely night. Came right back round to myself for the first time for ooh, must be about forty-some years. Forgive her, Father, for she knew only too well what she was doing. Have mercy on her like you had mercy on me, God of Mercy and Loving-kindness. For there is one Name given under heaven amongst men by which we must be saved. In our days, O Lord, in our days.

In our days.

Publicly attested miracles - G. Schwartz.

I am so blessed. About five years old.

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