This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Woke up after about one and a half hour's sleep. Going to put the hot water on and have a bath. Going to try to get my signed document to Mari today.

Listening to Red Eye Radio, it's Midnight in Arkansas, the beginning of the fifth of the splifth.

Nice hot bath.

Fifth of the splifth.

Morning you two.

smiley - porkpie

smiley - biggrin


Post 2


~10:45pm PDT, California.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Einennu is a mystical text on the Cross. Give it up! That's what the young people say, isn't it? Give it up? I don't know what they think they mean by that, but I've got an alternative meaning for the phrase. Give it up back to God. If God gives you something, thank him for it, show appreciation, and smile and give it respectfully back to him. Say, Thank you Father, this is a beautiful gift, but I want more than your gifts; I want YOU.

He will not mind. On the contrary, he will be pleased; he's been waiting for you to go without his gifts because you aren't satisfied with gifts, because you want him, the Giver, for a while. I remember the teaching of Old Spike on the gifts. "Mere baubles," he would offer.

Nantucket Island has had extreme weather these past few days. Woman who owns restaurants on the Island says so. I say to her, I went to a restaurant on Nantucket Island and caught Food Poisoning from the Clam Chowder. Dodgy clam, you see. Hmmm. Difficult.

More mind control in Amerikey. No sign of a woman who has gone missinghood. Germany and Brazil headed for the semifinals of the Footie. I might watch the Final or the Semifinals, it occurred to me. The Voice of Arkansas. Sassafras.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

Hello ITIWBS. Yeah, I think Arkansas is considerably further East than California. Although I don't actually know what time it is in Arkansas. I'm just guessingtone. Guessington pie po tunetone timezonetune, in actual fact. Howdy!


Post 5


Going on midnight time to take my night time meds and retire.smiley - sleepy


Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

Well it'll be around 8 in the morning now by you. Just past five pm here. Hootoo rockin' all around the whole round world. Watch those timezones fly past! Weeeeoooowwwwng! There goes another one! Don't hit your head on the International Dateline! Chat-up line for Eurotrash. Ptung! He doesn't like that. Calls it disrespect.


Post 7

woofti aka groovy gravy

God gave me a word last night, and I put it up on YouTube, only to find he gave William Branham a very similar one in times past. Using the same Scripture and the same idea of the unconsciousness of faith. Fascinating.


Post 8

woofti aka groovy gravy

Well, praise the Lord. By ancient Celtic reckoning, it's Sunday now the sun has set, so time to praise God. That's how I'd do it if I ran a church; I'd have it on Saturday night and have Sunday off as a family day. Or perhaps for people to get together, but not in the formalised way of "church", just you know, going out or staying in. Saturday night is the time for liturgy. I'd do it in a Jazz Cellar. Church in a Jazz Cellar. With bread and wine. Well actually a whole meal, why not, I think that's what they used to have. Everyone can bring something. But hot food, not cucumber sandwiches and crisps and orange squash. That aspect of Christian culture needs to be shown the door. Proper meat please, to do justice to the qualities and textures of the Old and New Testaments and the soul of Jesus and of the Prophets and Martyrs. And decent wine for the Eucharist.

After all Jesus' Blood is the finest, most Royal Blood in the Universe, so should be symbolised / actualised (a ta guise) by only the finest, most strengthening wine in the world. Not some terrible anodyne grape juice. Unless you're an alcoholic of course.

Imagine a hospital where you go to when you are ill, but because you're ill, the people avoid you and spurn you and turn their backs on you! Wouldn't that be strange? But that's my experiences of church. Supposed to be a hospital for sinners but in my experience it's been an elite club for the gifted. Where any old fool like me, is definitely Not Welcome. Well, that's what it's been like. No wonder I associate church with being hurt and lonely. Poor Jesus, I expect they treat him the same way. They'll snatch their precious gifts and turns their backs on the One who gives them, and run off and do their own thing.

Anyway God is definitely moving in my life. It's great. Really nice, I'm terribly grateful to my Father. I reckon I should go to bed tonight.


Post 9

woofti aka groovy gravy

Where's the "if one member hurts, the whole body is in pain"? A body ought to be as happy as it unhappiest member surely, until everyone is brought up together in God. It might have to go a bit slowly for a while, to give everyone a chance to catch up. Maybe too slow for the professionally spiritual. Well it will do them good to have to pour oil and dress some wounds and minister some comfort to those whom they might have considered beneath their holy giftedness' attention.

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