This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Dei me pauesthai pharmaka labwn.

It's cold out, but the sun is shining at the airport at ten degrees. This is winter. I do not like it. When the Stellenbosch flat is sold I must try to find somewhere warmer to spend the winters. Of course, the den will soon be completed. I hope that doesn't take too much longer. I've had disruption in my bedroom for months.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Really enjoying the 700 club, and of course that comes to my television via the Internet. So I'm not using my DSTV subscription as I ought. Missed the footbore last night. Perhaps I'll watch the later matches when the minnows, like England, have been weeded out.

I wonder whether the Spirit has explained to Lynwen yet about the sad fact of my folly for Christ and the fact that when I gave my life to God, he took it all. I'd like to see those singers who warble, "Take it all, my Lord", cope with the ridicule that comes with the folly that dogs those who have given their all to Christ.


Post 3

ITIWBS you must be somewhere in the southern hemisphere.

I'm in the Coachella Valley, California and have almost 3 months of temperatures hovering near 120F/49C to look forward to, possibly going over 135F/57C.

Then, morning in the middle of September, it will feel like there's a hint of frost in the air, I'll check the temperature and find its only 90F/32C.

For winter freezes, I've found a fitted electric mattress pad helpful.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

I should love to see a debate between Grady McMurtry and Richard Dawkins. I think it may already have taken place. I must email Susie.

There is the possibility that Pat's domestic servant might come and cook for me.

That would be marvellous, because I need this kind of care.

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