This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

It is winter but I am warmer thanks to 2 cups of espresso with a hefty slug of kahlua, and some tranqs.

And I've got the fire on. Feeling positive in fact.

Lynwen is going to have to understand there's a whole lot more to me than the boys she is accustomed to hanging out with.

A left hand and a right hand, I have both.



Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Pat came round and we had a proper chat. Oh, it was lovely. She is such a lovely lady. Goes to the same Doc as I do. There are some lovely people around. And some unlovely ones as well.

Well thank God. He has taken my life and done things through it which people know about, everybody but me it seems. Folly for Christ is very, very hard.

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