This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Went to Mamacos this morning. Helga was there! I was in a bit of a state and found it difficult to cope with her until she came and sat down and told me she was retiring from CCFM. I had heard something of the sort. So I wasn't surprised. I do love Helga. She is very special. It's love-hate really because of how she has treated me. But anyway. Love is stronger, and wins out.

So anyway it's 14.49 and this morning feels totally surreal, hey. She tried to humiliate me - but she doesn't realise I don't give flying duck about what think, or say, or see, and I think that's her basic problem - she can't handle the Wilfic totality. I'm too much for her to handle, and I'm byggred if I'm going to be any less than myself, just to please another person, whoever they are.

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