This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Beit Shelee then.

How much land one bought well, one would have to beware squatters, although one could put them to work on the land I suppose.

One might farm the land if one could irrigate it. What could I grow? Well I don't know. Not grapes, but veg I suppose. Poppies?

Perhaps not. Well, perhaps one might build two storeys and have the ground floor a big music room, and live on the top floor. If one grew veg one could sell it.

One would have to erect a wall or some sort of invisible fence around the building some hundred meters away, and cultivate the garden. Perhaps a moat? Or a ha-ha. Just thinking, if the locals knew that a solitary larney was living in a new house in the bush they would come and erect shacks here, and I'd have to find out what my rights would be and perhaps get a couple of dogs to roam the land, trained to eject those who would build thereon. Have to think of this first I think.

But assuming all these practicalities were overcomeable, then I should be able to build - I mean, of course, have built, and I have someone in mind as a project manager to represent me - a dwelling entirely of my own design, well, done by an architect but to my rough drawings.

I thought something octagonal.

A small music room with a central stage with seating all around as a ground floor? And a first floor with the house proper? With steps leading down to the garden? No, with a ladder leading down and to be pulled up so that you couldn't gain access to the house proper when I was indoors. Safety you see.

You might gain access to the house via the music room and a sort of ladder up to a hatch like a submarine. Of course there would need to be a manual lift for bags, but people should have to climb I suppose. Or perhaps a manual lift for older personages, I don't know.

Something entirely secure, anyway.

The roof to be one big balcony.

The music room would need a lot of money, in itself; I'd have to do something temporary and do that up later.



Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Started a new piece last night but had to stop part-way through, which was annoying. Had better get back to that pronto. Still gaining enjoyment from listening to the Sonatina and the Little Sonata; I need to get this flute piece done so I've got something else to listen to. Needs to be in several movements as well I think.

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