This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

The vibes today are strange and strong.

The enemy is having a field day in my head; goodness only knows how I coped when I didn't undertand the phenomena.

Just need this smiley - evilgrin for a post elsewherelll

Enjoy a lovely Saturday ladies and gentleman.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

My heart feels like singing out loud. At the very least I should want to turn this feeling into a piece of music. dei me pausasthai pharmaka khrwmenon. The sevenths in "Fix Me Up" in Girls Aloud's album "Out Of Control" are wonderful.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Aitoumai moi boule mou hopws epaletheuousa estin to me en gamei binein


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

Erwtwmai rather.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

Now I am also wondering whether I can buy a plot of land up in the Northern Cape, where I have lived before and where land is cheap compared to here, and build. Now the difficulty is that the Northern Cape is very, very slow. And I might find it difficult to find people to do a half decent job. But if there are, as I believe there are, Germans and Swiss living up there, then I might be able to discover whom they employ to do their work for them.

For I should want to design my own place up there, which means, making the rooms lead into each other in interesting and curious, one might say, tremendous and fascinating ways, one thinks of a passage curling around the rooms, you know, and of course with a den of my own designing based upon my den here, long and narrow with a screen at one end for a ceiling-mounted projector, the den being the centremost room in the house I should think, the most private and least accessible. I should enjoy designing a single-floor house, happy in the knowledge that interior design, which has been a passion of mine for years, should naturally flower into the designmentation of rooms in an actual storey of an housingment. But as I say trying to get things done up there is the task of a sainted man, or woman.


Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

I have invited H.B. to attend at Shem Elohim, in order to discuss the prospect of employment as the Manager of the Project which shall be called the Beit Shelee Project. Beit Shelee being Modern Hebrew for My House; the house in the Northern Cape shall be called Beit Shelee, or Beit Sheli as I should transliterate it but for the ambiguity of pronunciation for English speakers.

It strikes me I could build Beit Shelee as a first-floor housage, with the ground floor being taken up by a garage and a Panergical Room, a room for general usages; or possibly, perhaps a Music Room, the ground floor being perhaps a very small Music Room where people might be encouraged to come and perform musics.

The first floor being where I live.

The ground floor being perhaps a Music Room and a separate garage.

Must think. Well I can can't I. Or perhaps I could have a Music Room in the garden. With a small stage and a small audience part and so on. Actually a round building with a central stage. Yes. Of course acoustics etc. This would cost more than I have.

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