This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Praise God. Poor Helgs doesn't understand what God is doing in and through me. I thought she did. I must have been wrong. How annoying. What about Lynwen, does she get it? IME it's the youth who understand, people younger than I; older people, apart from the saints of course, and the sons, they just don't get it. Seems Helgs doesn't get it either. And she was in charge of my work. How annoying is that. Can't she hear from God? Can't God show her? Does she only hear what she wants to hear?

This is vexing indeed. Where is the faith, said Jesus.

The Lord says and smiles and says, Here it is. Here is faith. This is faith, he says.

Bless God. Lots more to write and say. According to your faith, dear brother. According to your faith, you have faith for the whole wide world. Marvellous.

So. God is going to move. Never mind Helga. God loves you anyway. But really - know your limits love.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Climb down, climb down, O sistren, O brethren in Jesus, become fools, become foolish for Jesus, foolish for his friends' sake, yeah, foolish, hard isn't it. Humiliating! Yeah, well, humus means "earth" in Latin, and to be humble means to be down to earth, etymologically. Now there are two ways of being made to come down to earth. You can be humbled, or you can be humiliated. I've had both. Humiliation is sometimes necessary where humbling don't work. Lynwen was scaredy. Scaredy-cat. Poor lass. Poor wee lassie. Perfect love drives it out my sister. Be made perfect in love. Perfect - what's the word? Teleios. From telos 'goal', it means mature, you see. Be mature in your love. That's better isn't it, that's a much better translation than 'perfect' with all the anxiety in that word. Be mature in your love, because mature love chucks fear out.

Another thing we all need to talk about is incarnation.

I see the need for more tracts.

Tracts for the townships
Tracts for the suburbs

"I have much to say to you," he says, "through my brother, and you're not going to like it, not one little bit, but that's too bad," he continues, "because for too long I have endured your imbalances and now it's time for some correction, and the one I have chosen is the one through whom I am going to minister this correction," he concludes.

So! get used to it. John 9:39. Don't judge but believe. Don't be afraid, but love instead. Learn to love!

Become fools before my chosen one, he says. Yes, this is the way. Turn, turn. Tis the gift to be simple, tis the gift to be wise.

I want to see you co-operating, not ignoring or turning your backs or blocking or whatever else you do to justify yourselves in your own eyes.

Revelation 3:17-18

That's a verse I'll leave you to look up for yourselves. God says he's had enough and it's time to get with the programme.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

And we await developpements, as the French say.

Had a kip.

J'ai le sens qu'elle veut bloquer le divertissement par l'orgueil.

Had a shower this morning. Had a good kip. Been in waiting for Andrew, who says he's negotiating on the price - yet further delay.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

Had a lekker luncheon of samoosas. Whatsapping with Angel my new friend in Upington. It's so nice! She's a lovely girl. She's on Facebook. So much nicer than being ignored by some up herself DJ.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

We text half in English half in Afrikaans. Her Afrikaans is so sweet. Lots of little idiomatic stuff I can learn from - at last! Someone who isn't too skaam to praat Afrikaans met my.


Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

And of course it's Upington Afrikaans which is super-intelligible. Not like Cape Afrikaans lol.


Post 7

woofti aka groovy gravy

She writes "ek gaan bed 2" - funny.


Post 8

woofti aka groovy gravy

I am constantly having music in my mind, you know. It's always there. There's always music going on in my mind and in my heart. I must write some more! I'm pleased with the Little Sonata and the Sonatina. No-one else seems to be, except possibly David. Strange. I wish I had some feedback from a composition teacher. I must find one and pay him or her for some help. Yes. The one Andrew knows has retired. Seems to be a bit oh well never mind. I must use Linked In.


Post 9

woofti aka groovy gravy

Because when judgement starts, it's starting with the house of God; and if it starts with us, what will be the end of those who disbelieve the Gospel of God? Indeed if the just are hardly saved, where are the irreligious and the sinner?

You see girlies you don't rule. God does. Get over it.


Post 10

woofti aka groovy gravy

Turn away from those reprobate who will not hear you; they don't hear you because they don't hear the one who sent you.

They are afraid, yes. They are those who shrink back.

Never would have thought that would you?

Just leave them to their delusions. You either come with me all the way or not at all.

Oh I expect he'll have mercy on them. But they are not for you.

Come on up. You have sat with the dogs and pigs long enough.


Post 11

woofti aka groovy gravy

OK so the chorus of girls are inspired by hell. So you can safely ignore them from now on. Let them accuse - they are only writing their own judgement.

With the measure they use.

Leave the children to play in the mud and the shifting sands of their heresies, and come to where the sons and saints are singing. That's better isn't it, hey? There there. God himself will dry your tears and fry your enemies. In the meantime here's a table spread in front of them. They desire to eat of the meat of God but they cannot because they cannot reach it. Your enemies will be members of your own household! Ha. In both senses hey? They are playing in the mud and sand. Yes children do that. Leave them now. That's right. Come to where the saints and sons sing and say.

Think of the Lamb of God. There, hey? Now, about this table. You need to eat some meat my son, you are undernourished.

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