This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Am spending some time at Mimi's in Khayelitsha. There is shooting, burning cars, people stumbling about with burning tyres round their necks. Just another day in the location.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

I am selling a flat in Stellenbosch and going to buy a bungalow here in Khayelitsha as a weekend getaway. It would be my social hub and a base of operations for the distribution of my books. I don't think I shall seek to have my writings published by a commercial publishing house but will do everything as I have done the free editions of Words from the Word; Word First Ministries shall be my publisher and I will do everything the way I have done Words already. I need to enlarge my distribution network; at the moment I have Sindi, Thami and Michael covering different areas. I need ten people covering different areas and they must be committed to the aims of the Ministries. Also people in churches.

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