This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

I've been up all night again. Uncomfortable - worm. It's appalling. Knitting needle time. So uncomfortable.

Fairly chilly this morning - 14 degrees. Well at least that isn't 8 degrees.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

God spoke to me again about my responsibilities... last time was in 1992. Oh well I guess I'll have to buckle down again. I remember last time in the early 90s. I only really learnt mental discipline at Aberdeen in 2000. That was a struggle and a half, getting my mind into working shape. Did it though.

Well it's Thursday afternoon on a Public Holiday, May Day. Bloody lefty holiday. Cough, cough.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Well it's just past 3pm and I've got to go out for ciggies. I've also got to go to the PO Box up the road. I keep meaning to, but keep putting it off. Very bad.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

Well it's my interview tomorrow. La van Niekerk has ignored me ever since she got back from Italy. I don't know why; I can only assume I'm too much for her to handle. I guess she hasn't got what it takes to deal with Woofti aka Groovy Gravy. Such a shame. Jesus came for the outsiders and the misfits but you'd never think that to look at the way many of his people carry on.

I've just realised I'll never be able to even try to get my work published, because that'll stop me from doing my free editions for the poor. As long as I can afford to do those, I plan on doing them. Andrew seems to be dead set on trying to get Words published, and I don't think I can stop him now, although I might try. But he wants his work disseminated overseas as well. Well, it's just occurred to me; I'll never do a proper printing again, because it's just too expensive, and the free editions are perfectly adequate - people can read the work. I might try to see if there's any publishing software that delivers files in PDF as well as normal files, for Linux, because Writer is pretty limited. I just want to make it look as pretty as possible. And an artist could always do his work, but it would have to be in black and white, which really kind of limits me to pen and ink, lino cut, or charcoal. I originally wanted lino cuts for Words, but ended up with Andrew. So I must try to find a South African woodcut / lino cut artist, a pen and ink artist, and a charcoal artist. And any other medium that can be faithfully reproduced in black and white.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

I'm getting mightily fed up with having my bedroom choked with furniture from my den. I'll have to strip my den out when the chap comes to damp proof the walls. What a palaver. All the books have to come out, and the cds, and then, nightmare, all the audio equipment and computers. There are three in here. In fact right at the moment there are four, because there's a Netbook on the floor. I'll have to unplug everything and just try to remember how it all goes so I can plug it all back again. But this time I'm going to use cable tidies for the wires because at the moment it's a disgrace, filthy dirty too.

Well it's fourteen degrees out, I haven't eaten anything for about a fortnight, I'm feeling fine, I obviously don't need to eat. Living on electric light and static electricity, smock and crink. I'm going to Mimi's tomorrow for ten so I'd better leave here at about twenty past nine... shall I manage to get to the PO Box tomorrow? I'd better. Wouldn't it be marvellous if my amplifier had arrived? It's taking an awfully long time. If I'd known it was going to take this long I'd have flown over and picked one up from Kathy and Larry's and brought it back as hand luggage. Anyway America is a long way from South Africa.

My cables are ready tomorrow. So any time the amp wants to come, come it may.

I wonder how Lynwen is getting on. I don't half miss her. But I don't listen to that station any more.

I've got to get it together to go to church on a Sunday. I went on Easter Sunday but I had a panic attack when I saw how many people there were so I turned on my heel and came straight home. I don't like being out very much. I prefer to sit at home quietly. Sethu was appalled at my sedentary boring lifestyle, where the highlight of the day is going up to the garage to get my daily ration of ciggies. Yes but she was very young wasn't she and I've been there done that, or rather I've been there and haven't done that because all I used to do at that age was get pissed. Eh j'ai eu une vie doloreuse. Tres tristement ai-je vecu. That isn't French word order but never mind. Je me sens triste au moment mais il n'y a rien a faire.

Pretoria - Reuters

Mrs Heleen Potloodgooier made history yesterday by giving birth to a 58 year old woman. Mother and woman are said to be doing 'well'.


Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

My worm has been terribly uncomfortable in the second half of yesterday and all today. It's been really bad all today. I've got the name of a pastor I want to go to, to have the bloody thing cast out, but I have the impression I'm supposed to grow to such an extent that it no longer can find room in me. But I don't know how that's going to happen. It's associated with my fear of people. And I don't know if I'll ever get over that because I always run away when confronted with the opportunity to choose life. I was doing some nose candy once in Jo'burg and the high actually kicked the thing out. But it came straight back again because I let it back. I've 'seen' it in the Spirit, it's a horrible great big thing lodging in my flesh, it takes up most of the right side of my torse, it's really really uncomfortable. God I hope it goes when I die. I don't know what I'd do if I had endure this for eternity. That would be a horrendous torment.


Post 7

woofti aka groovy gravy

In 1970 there was a sudden massive rise in heroin use - NO-ONE KNOWS WHY. Well, I expect someone knows. Acid and weed also being used more since then. Interesting hey.

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