This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

I have reached the final episode of Breaking Bad and I am putting off watching it as long as I can.

Fik and Breet are coming at three to "inspect" my gas cylinder.

I shall be extremely tired.

In other news, something happened. Something big. Something which, were the world to know about it, would change the way we think and eat and do and play and sleep and dream. But no-one except a small old man in Pretoria knows what happened, and he is already well on the way to forgetting about it, because he has a very poor memory.

It's nearly half past two of the p.m. and the sun is shining brightly. It is warm in my den.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Watching a documentary on YouTube about meth addiction. It's very sad.

ncle Hank is dayed. Gomez is dayed. So many people. Gus Frink. Dale. The teenager has a very black and white morality. His daddy was a methamphetamine chef, cordon bleu, the greatest master in the known world. His tweek was 99.1 percent pure. A chemistry teacher of the highest quality meth this world has ever known. All we have to do is go, we have to go right now, that's all we have to do. Walt killed Hank. Uncle Hank is dead. Uncle Hank is dead. We need to leave right now, because Uncle Hank is dead. Uncle Hank is very dead. And now, Mrs Walt is going to stab Walter in the goolies. Walt has gone mad. He's freaked out He is still here and still in the house and now he's leaving and going to take the baby. What a terrible thing. Poor Baby wants her mother, but daddy isn't mummy and never can be, not unless he has one of those Thai operations which they give to men who want to be ladies. They cut their balls off and. No police Where is Holly What is wrong with you? Walt is completely insanity crazed. It isn't very nice. You tell my son what I do? That I am a meth cook? The greatest meth-chef in the known world? Ninety-nine point one percent pure. Uncle Walt has become insanity-crazed and is threatening to kill his wife, who is very old. You're never going to see Hank again. He crossed me. Poor Walt, he doesn't like being evil, he can't handle it. It's too sad. It's very sad. So sad.

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