This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Right. I have to remember to go to the Pharmacy tomorrow, or possibly today, although I have ascertained, decreed, defined and decreed that I shall not leave the flat today. But I do need my pilules.

I have closed the security gate and drawn the curtains. I desire to stay indoors today. BUT I am so busy from tomorrow that I had better go to the Pharmacy, which will be open today, and get my tablets.

Because tomorrow I am busy. Need to go to the PO Box, to Mowbray Book Shop, to the Copy Shop. Need to be in contact with my attorney.

There are things to do coming up, that I need to be really careful about.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Remember how you thought that Trillian was an enemy agent? And you now know each other better and can talk nicely? Well it's happened again. Weeny was jumping in with better knowing and silly you and I had to stop myself getting antsy because it was dismissing my knowledge of vibral reality and patronising me with details of the division of powers between flesh and spirit.

You see the anthropology is necessary.

Anyway she has jumped the gun; but I must endeavour not to make it so easy for such accusers to accuse in future. Objective about the 3-D and very prudent about the vibes. This is what Spotty meant in Gilc.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Ita non amat te Weeny et matsa'ah 'amal be'ketuvim shelkha. Dicit se 'amal habere et vult tibi 'amal dare ex thesauro eae. Si tu offerts un repas avec du vinaigre pour donner de saveur, elle regard seulement le vinaigre et ignore son contexte, qui est le repas entier.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

Ayant relu l'ecriture je decouvre qu'elle ne contient pas du tout trop de la folie, et il est apparent que Weeny trouve la-dedans precisement et seulement les choses mechants qu'elle a dans son propre coeur. C'est obvious. Beaucoup de merde. C'est pour ca que la honte n'est point necessaire et tu dois continuer a te jouillir du matin et de l'internet. Vive la jouissance! je vois aussi qu'il ne faut pas etre trop subtile. C'est dommage par ce que j'aime la communication des idees subtiles. Mais je ne veux pas m'expliquer et me justifier, surtout quand tu as deja fait mention de toutes les choses necessaires pour bien comprendre le sens de l'affaire. Non, Weeny est mechante et odieuse et tu dois prier pour elle chaque jour. J'espere qu'elle va quitter - ce sera encore une voix negative disparue. It's another instance of what happened last week: you are taken to task by someone who can't read properly and who drinks only the vinegar which you provide at your table.

If I provide a table of food to eat, and on that table I place a bottle of vinegar, it is hardly surprising you will get indigestion if you only drink the vinegar and overlook the nicer fare. But some people like drinking vinegar and feeling bad about others as a result.

Wenigstens weiBt du jetzt, was sie fuer eine Person ist.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

Ach ich sehe sie hat ihren Irrtum gesehen. Denn das ist alles in Ordnung. Ich nehme alles zurueck und behaupte das Gegenteil. Ich dachte, sie sei wirklich unangenehm, aber sie hat mich miBlesen.

That's not a word but anyway.


Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

One thing I love about life is that all the stuff I used to think about, and I used to think about a lot of stuff, well, it's kind of all been digested and assimilated. So that a lot of words and thoughts have kind of gone, and woven in to the fabric of who I am. So I don't need to hassle about a lot of things, in terms of thinking and working stuff out and so on. I can just be me as normal, and take each thing as if comes, and know that all the stuff I used to have to take into consideration, happens unconsciously; but it still happens, it's just automatically part of me now, whereas before I had to work at it.

And one's folly gets less, somehow. Oh, he doesn't stop allowing you to be humiliated; but he will also support you. I had the funniest time in the taxi the other day. He was trying to best me about cool things like the township and stuff, and drugs, and all sorts. And the Lord was helping me and every time he tried to score a point off me, I managed to score one off him! that was very funny. God is wonderful. The Holy Spiit is wonderful. Jesus is wonderful.

Hello Jesus! Hello Spirit! Hello Father! How are you today? Well I hope! Thank you for my life. It's great, I'm really enjoying it. Busy, at the moment. But none the worse for that.


Post 7

woofti aka groovy gravy

I now consider boiling bread to have been a mistake. I am therefore not going to eat it, but leave it to cool and put it out for the birds. (The arrival of the master of Schadenfreude has turned up, so it seems prudent to leave the bread well alone.)

The carpenter is coming today. Well I wasn't going to let anyone in, today, but seeing that he can't make tomorrow, which I might have foreseen, his having been less that enthusiastic for work the last time I contacted him, I shall let him in, because otherwise who knows when he might come; and I want this project to get off the ground pronto.


Post 8

woofti aka groovy gravy

OK, he has come and seen the door, and is happy to rehang it, so that it openeth out on the other axis and then, I shall be an-happy, because there shall be much more room in my den. Because there won't be the annoying door-swing to take into consideration, and I shan't have to squeeze in, and I shall have that bit extra space for a table for the computers and so on. Well I'll sort out the room once the dampproofing has dried. I'm not looking forward to the dampproofing, not to the bill for it, but it has to be done; the walls of my den are awful thin, and the South wind does blow into the very cracks and crevices of my den. Once the new windows are in, and the curtains there, and the walls dry and papered, why, then the room shall be marvellous cosy, and I think, even, that I shall not be requiring the heatment of gases. For I shall have it electrically heated withal.

So! Onwards.


Post 9

woofti aka groovy gravy

That was SO tense.. Gus is such a sensitive man, he can tell when someone's put a bomb in his car. Yes there is sensitivity like that. I can tell if a door has been closed in anger or hatred or in the power of the devil of hell. The closed door retains the vibration of the person who closed it. I remember the shining of evil inside an wooden object as its face banged with dirty light that people can see.


Post 10

woofti aka groovy gravy

I have put the scores of four of the pieces up that I want performed.


Post 11

woofti aka groovy gravy

Am feeling distinctly dodgy.


Post 12

woofti aka groovy gravy

Praise be Jesus, Jesus is Lord, forever and ever.

Jesus be praised because he took on our sins and sinfulness and went to the Cross and died death in our place.

Then he was buried, three days lay he in the earth of Palestine, until the Father raised him from the dead. What an amazing story.


Post 13

woofti aka groovy gravy

I am beginning to want to compose again. I don't know what I have in mind; another piece for solo piano, perhaps, for Lara? I can't think at the moment. Lara likes playing with her friends. I've done a Little Sonata for cello and piano, now I wonder what she would like else. On the other hand I haven't had any feedback for the Little Sonata, but I like the music. I'm listening to the Sonatina now, and it definitely grows on you! Whereas the Little Sonata is more immediately accessible. The Theme and Variations are David's and Marc's and Lara's favourite. I must get back to fluency again. Until early April I was SO fluent! I have written about 55 minutes of music between Sept. 13 and April 14. A record for me!


Post 14

woofti aka groovy gravy

I love the stringed instruments, especially the cello. The opening of the Little Sonata is so tender.


Post 15

woofti aka groovy gravy

I listen to this music and I think, I could not possibly have composed that. Because I go into a zone when I compose and it's very intense, and otherwise. I have come out with some beautiful stuff and I have no idea how it got there. It frightens me, because I cannot imagine myself doing it again.


Post 16

woofti aka groovy gravy

I have realised what I meant when I said to Macfarlane that the world is necessary rather than contingent. I have as much as said to tonight and they didn't like it. It's the necessity of bowing to the powers which all the girls have and which I don't have.


Post 17

woofti aka groovy gravy

God's word is supposed to bring offence. Yet people say I'm offended as if that word enough should be sufficient to precipitate a withdrawal and a total reversal. Not with me it isn't.


Post 18

woofti aka groovy gravy

Well I have dried off my suit and am wearing it. It is marvellous. It needs ironing but do you think I'm going to do any ironing? Because part of the luxury of living alone is that one can finally wear what one bloody well likes.

All I need is a black hat. But first, Mamacos are coming.


Post 19

woofti aka groovy gravy

Well I'm not wearing the jacket because it's warm in here and I don't need it. But the trousers are REALLY comfortable. It's just cotton cloth, plain and simple. The trousers and jacket came separately but they work SO WELL together. I am going out in my new duds and I'm going to POSE. Yes, for this morning, I am a POSEUR. And I need a proper hat to go with this ensemble. Must be lined and lovely. Black. Most important, black.


Post 20

woofti aka groovy gravy

I need a black hat. I don't think I've got one. It needs to be a nice one. A proper one. Size 59. Yes. Should I wear a tie with the ensemble? If I did, it would have to be my Keble tie. Will have to think about that. I used to wear a tie for leisurewear. But that was when I was young and tragic and sad, weeping bitter tears because of the emptiness of the years. Poor little boy that I was.

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