This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Right, another day. Saturday today. It's warm enough in here with the electric heater. I must try not to post half asleep on Peet's Journal.

Time has run into itself in a strange way lately.

I've been quite tired. Going to see Mimi this morning. I said 11 but I may make it later; I could do with a shower.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Yeah I need to take it easy until the afternoon; I'll go and see Mimi later. I'll have a shower first and a change of clothes. I'm wearing my orange trousers at the moment which are very loud.

It's Saturday again.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

David's got this favourite theme, he says the prophetic never leaves you unscathed. Well that's not my experience. The only scathed bit is in standing up to the man. That's hard. But it shouldn't be. As far as the actual prophecy bit's concerned, it doesn't harm you or scathe you or whatever. You just gotta die. David has a problem with that reality of the faith. And it spoils his output completely.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

If Fik could, he'd ban me from having more than one computer, because I enjoy having multiple machines. My guess is that no-one else uses gas, I expect everyone uses electricity, and probably he thinks I'm a push over and it's him against me and he thinks he can screw up my life with impunity. Well I've written to Zelda asking her to make enquiries on my behalf from the insurers. I'll also have to find out what Fik is obliged to tell us, about the block.

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