This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Another night up, third in a row. I dozed yesterday. Got into writing on the Christian Thread in Peet's. Then I got thinking about something else.

Going to install DSTV, which will be cool.

When the window people come I am wondering how to re-install my den. Shall I put the desk back in? Or shall I have soft, low seating?

What kind of room is it to be? I don't need a desk in here. The chaise longue? Bookcase, where?

If I put the desk on the opposite side of the room, there will be more space to move around when you enter. Will the cables reach to that side of the room? I need a carpenter to rehang the door. Well, actually I need a carpenter to make a swinging bookcase door for my den, to open outwards.

Or do I need a desk in here? Well the scanner. I shall have to test the scanner with various operating systems to see where it works. I use the scanner although I think that faxing does everything the scanner does.

if I don't put the desk back in here, I could have another chair.

And a coffee table. The Chaise Longue might be able to go along the window side, in which case there would be a corner for a large comfy chair. (And I'd have to ensure it was a comfy chair, not just one that looks comfy.) Where would the heater go? Underneath the bookcase, because it couldn't go under the screen.

On the other hand the chaise longue would look funny going anywhere other than the far end. Then the fire went under the window and the bookcase under the bookcase, and just a lot of room; a coffee table in the middle; just the chaise longue for seating and a table and the fire and the bookcase.

The desk could then go where? In the hall against the cupboard doors. It might go in the Afternoon Room where the bookcase presently is. If it went against the window, that is dead space at the moment, so that's probably where it'll end up. Because when you come into the den you don't want to have to squeeze past the desk. If it were against the window it would be out of the way, and the bookcase can go where the desk was. It would also hide the wall paint disaster.

OK, so we keep the desk, even though it makes the room very small.

Then I think I need to go back to Mamacos and ask them to remove the blinds and put curtains up instead. Nice velvet ones. Or suede. Depends on what they've got. Because the blinds don't do anything for the aesthetics of the room, whereas curtains would begin to make it beautiful, and that is one thing that this room isn't, beautiful. And it needs to be. Badly. I feel also like having it wallpapered in here. Wallpaper and curtains would radically change the room. Yeah. And perhaps even a fitted carpet? Although I haven't found a place that does fitted carpets. And the red one is OK. Oh but wallpaper would badly bulge and peel and so on, with the wall. Damp, you see.

I've gone off the mauve colour in here. I want something friendlier. Yellow? While all the stuff is out, it might be a time to redecorate in here.

Think on.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

I could put a 2-seater sofa where the chaise longue was. That would leave me with the question of what to do with the chaise longue; it could go in my bedroom I suppose. A 2-seater recliner sofa? No, the desk would be in the way. And we have decided to keep the desk.

OK, so a sofa in here. More comfy than the chaise longue. It would radically shrinken the room, but that's OK, it's my den, a place to sit and chill, not for dancing or swinging cats. I think at some stage I'm going to have to have it waterproofed, and wallpapered. Should I do this now? If not now, when?

The Study sofa might go in here, or we might go an look at sofas. Today I have to do something - oh yes, I want to check up about DSTV.

But interiors are more interesting than television. If I had curtains going down to the floor then the whole wall would be filled with fabric! it would also hide the damp. But the curtains would then become damp.

Oh lovely! A wee spot of interiors to do! Oh how wonderful, thank you Father. This room needs cosying up big time. But I can't do anything in here until the windows are put in. I am told that they make a lot of mess, with cement and tar all over the carpets, so I'll have to take the rug up and put down sheeting where they will be. Yeah, bigtime disruption, and there's a lot of equipment in here. Right. The next month or 5-6 weeks will require a bit of thought. I could get Mamacos in now, so they would be ready with the curtains sooner after the windows are in. Yeah. And paint? Waterproofing, why not, then I could have wallpaper, which is what I really want, after all.

OK, time to think. And to prepare for action. What did Blake say?

Think in the morning
Act in the noon
Eat in the evening
Sleep at night

something like that. And Britten's setting of those words...!


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

And the Lord has opened up another door. Thank you Father, the view is lovely. So walk through it! genetheto to thelema sou, w Pater. Dos moi pou stw, kai kinw ten gen. Dos moi pou sto, kai lempsomai moi auten hws gynaika philtaten. Dos moi pou sto, kai didaxo ta ethna ton logon tou Theou. Dos moi pou sto, kai nikesomai tous phobous ponerous. Dos moi pou sto, kai aeisomai tous epainous twi Thewi twi Swteri mou, nai, kai aeisometha tous epainous ego te kai he gyne mou hen moi dwseis kai hen phileso ex holes tes psykhes mou. dedakryka men, nyni de agalliasomai en tei tou Kyriou charai met' autes hes phileso. (oida ho gegrapsa!) mathesomai kai didaxo, lexw kai euangelisw, grapsw kai lexousin. hoi tou Theou logoi esontai en twi stomati mou. he glossa mou aeiseto tais glossais twn anthropwn kai twn angellwn. nyn moi tod' epikreenon eeldwr, Kyrie Iesou w despote mou hon agapoumen ego kai he gyne mou hemeis en miai kardiai kai en miai dianoiai kai en miai phwnei. Hai hemerai tou kakou ouketi opsontai oupote. alah hayyom hashemesh al-boqer chadash lanu vemehallelim anachnu et kevod shem qodshekha adonai. ki ohevim otkha anachnu me'od. ki atah eloheinu aveinu beshem adonai Yeshu'a amein.

Please don't catpee this! it is a prayer to God, in Greek and with a Hebrew bit at the end, and it's personal, but I want to keep it. Big day today. Thanks. I can translate it into Afrikaans if you want it in a modern language.

Mag jou wil geskied, o Vader. Gee my waar om te staan, en ek sal die aarde beweeg (dis 'n kwotasie van die ou Grieks). Gee my 'n staanplek en ek sal haar as my geliefde vroutjie neem. Gee my 'n plek waar ek kan staan, en ek sal die nasies die Woord van God leer. Gee my waar om te staan, en ek sal die bose vreese oorwin. Gee my waar om te staan, en ek sal die lofprysings van God my Heiland sing, ja, en ons sal sing, ek en die vrou wat U vir my sal gee en wat ek met my hele hart lief sal he. Ek het geween, maar nou sal ek met die Here se vreugde juig saam met haar wat ek lief sal he. Ek sal leer en die mense leer, ek sal lees en die Evangelie preek, ek sal skryf en hulle sal lees. God se woorde sal in my mond wees. My tong sal pryse gee met die tale van mense en engele. Nou mag dit gebeur, Here Jesus, Meester wat ons liefhet, ek en my vrou met een hart en met een verstand en met een stem. Die dae van die bosheid sal nooit weer gesien word nie. (Hebreeus) Die son het opgekom aan 'n nuwe more vir ons en ons prys die heerlikheid van U heilige Naam, O Here. Want ons het U baie lief. Want U is ons God, o Vader, in die Naam van Jesus. Amen.

Apologies for the Afrikaans. I need to improve there.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

The word-order in the Hebrew's a bit funny but never mind. I was still thinking Greek. Hebrew word-order isn't as flexible as Greek is. I prefer a language with a free word-order. Greek is practically ideal and its patterns, the word-orders it prefers, are pretty. Of course Hebrew word-order is pretty too but I can't write it so well yet as to bring out the beauty of the word-order of the Classical language, which seems to be similar to that of the modern idiom.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

I was in a strange place this morning. I haven't slept for three nights, perhaps that's why. Went out this afternoon and it seemed as if piptousi epi tous podas emous pantes hai gynaikes - something's happened in the aetheric. I'm tired out though, but I can't sleep.


Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

Gosh I'm tired. Really zonked out. I should go to bed.

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