This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

I notice in my travels that many women do not like self-confident men. Not really; not when it doesn't suit them. Well, they come and go, and I abide. It's a good job I'm not a slave to my parts. I was listening to these women on the radio last night but they had nothing new to say. What they think of as their "wisdom" is merely the motions of the central nervous system, the animal, vegetative dimension of the body-soul, reacting to heat and light. All wrapped up in a glamour. That's the package.

Not so, however, with the daughters of Israel. Ah, but they are special. Except the ones who think their job in life is to assess the men for their suitability. They sit at the back in church and smell of raw meat. Horrors. But then they're the daughters of Moab and of the Amalekites.

They entice men secretly into sin and then accuse them of it publicly.

However they are far between, and few on the ground. Horrible woman on the radio last night, telling her side-kick to "grow up" - on public radio nogal. No, that's not on. Still, what goes around. The meek shall inherit the earth, not the strong. Funny word that, isn't it, meek. I wonder what its derivation is. Hold on...

smiley - run

Ultimately from Gothic *muks as in mukamodei 'gentleness'. The asterisk denotes that it is not an attested form, but conjectural.

Middle English me(o)c.

Yes, the daughters of Israel.

There was this little man yesterday, came up and was trying to accuse me of all sorts, running through a list of sins he assumed I was guilty of. I know where he got his information from. A stynkyng pitte, o'erflowynge with doomy globules. Nasty. I told him to go away.

Probably not the wisest course of action but then they do say I'm not the subtlest operator in the Kingdom. I've had enough of the Pharisees. Oh, bucketfuls of them. Enough to last a lifetime.

Well it's a nice day out anyway. Bit muggy, and warm; 28 degrees at the Apricot. And only 10am. This is a real Indian summer we're having.

1pm and it's 34 degrees at the Airport and I'm HOT.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

It's Rush Limbaugh on the radio. I'm getting used to American Right-wing Talk Radio and I enjoy listening to Mr Limbaugh.

It's not Left-wing. It's bracingly Rightist. It's hot today out. 32 at the Apricot. Gosh I'm feeling deliciously tired and lazy today. Lekker.

Well, I've got to unload a bunch of boxes from the car. Still waiting for progress re Wilfie.

Ive just eaten a Bunny Chow roll. It was lekker, but I couldn't eat another one.

I tried to listen to a New York talk radio station, but it made me want to vom.

Had a nice sleep just now.

Could do with a shower - I'll wait until tomorrow morning. I've done a bunch of laundry today. I remember when I first started this Journal, I used to go and see Shirley at the laundromat in Leeds. Ha! I used to schlep a black bag full of laundry to the laundromat around the corner. And sit and watch the laundry going round and round. I remember the first time I saw Cheryl Tweedie. She was in the headlines for punching a woman toilet attendant. And she was sorry, and lo! did she get off. Good girl. Unfortunately she has become a robot clone now, tool of the Illuminati. It's a shame. But she will only ever be a D-list tool, because she isn't a generational.

Unlike Rihanna who is totally programmed. Oh, it's such a shame. Those poor children. I know what it's like.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Been dozing on and off all day. Going to try to get to bed early tonight.

Weekend listening on KARN talk radio - they do their best.

Gosh, I'm tired.

Well, it's Sunday night and bit boring here, nothing much doing, I couldn't handle the radio so I turned it down. I wonder how much bandwidth I'm using up. I am on an unlimited plan, and it's only radio, not video. Hmm. I don't think it's that bad.

I have to say it's nice having the place to myself again.

Right, tomorrow. What is there to do. Nothing, I hope. I should make another appointment for Daisy's fuel gauge. Let's hope he has one left. I might see if there's any Mark Steel on that I haven't seen.

It's SO HOT! Unbelievable!


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

yes ouk exestin auton deute hegeisthai. philon twn M&S.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

I might stay up a bit tonight as well, just chilling. It's very warm -- 22 degrees at the Airport.

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