This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Well, they are supposed to be coming to replace the window this morning at 8.30. But I have been told a horror story... which I am going to choose to ignore. If they do not come today, I will cancel them, and see if I can get my deposit back, although that's probably not going to happen, a) because I dislike unpleasantness over money, and b) I am constitutionally unable to engage in unpleasantness over money.

If I cancel with them, there is another company that will do it. But I was given false information and the matter is so ridiculous that I suspect enemy action.

I knew the entity was wrong but didn't realise how wrong.

Utterly wrong.

Anyway so that's that. I've been up all night and going to have a coffee now. I have to mark the score of the Sonatina. A strange work. The first movement appears to have only a fragmentary development section. And I abandon atonalism in the last minute or so, to end up in C major.

Oh well.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Well that was that. The second of April twenty fourteen. Won't see that day again. It ends with the Lord the Spirit of God, quietly coming to my heart and comforting me. I was saying this morning, Lord they call you the Comforter. Show me your comfort. And he has come tonight to do just that. Bless the Lord. Oh, we love him. And we know him. People don't understand that we know the Lord. Or rather, are known by him, and our knowledge of him is a function of his knowing us. Bless him anyway. I love him so much.

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