This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Another day. Slept in the morning. Went out at luncheontide to get my clothes from Mimi. Sad news - her father's just died. Oh dear.

Sethu was waiting for me when I got back. Having told Theo that I didn't answer the door for him on purpose but without emphasising that I was in the middle of composing something and I had to concentrate. So I got the full Xhosa passive-aggressive bs this afternoon. Where are the renewed minds? Looks like I have to seek out some older believers, the young ones are all - you know.

Pan Pieknie-Pisajacy ouk antigraphei moi. (That's substandard Greek and Polish but I know what it means.)


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Oh dear. I loaded my cellphone with bags of airtime recently because well, I just wanted not to have to recharge it again soon. And I was foolish enough to lend my phone to Miss Phonealot. And now I've got nine Rands left. Oh dear. (I remember when nine Rands was quite lot of money.)

Well I have learnt my lesson haven't I.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

I can do whatever I need to do to the Entz machine while it's offline, apart from loading the OS, but as it's going to be Mint it won't have the same problem. I plan on staying up tonight so perhaps I can make that my night's task. The Entz machine doesn't have to communicate with any other machine so the fact that I can't get my Mint boxes to share (the other Linux boxes can see the Mint boxes but you can't open the share) won't matter so much. I installed Samba tools and played with the configuration but it still doesn't work. It seems there's just a permission that isn't set but I can't find what it might be. Everything appears to be OK from the Mint end. I'll sort it out eventually. For the time being I've got my Mint USB stick, I hope it's still around, and I will sort out the Entz Machine.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

Apparently I didn't lend my phone away. So what ate up all those Rands' worth of airtime? You know I don't think I loaded it...


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

OK so I was wrong, I apologise to Miss Phonealot.

I see Lauren K has become Lauren T. Well done Lauren.

That must have been quite recent.

There's still a bunch of Boerewors in the kitchen, excellent.


Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

Got a good American talk show on now. I think it's about to finish though. But it's interesting. Let's hope there's another interesting one after this. This is fascinating. It's just a talking head. Not a phone-in. Excellent. Internet Radio has transformed our lives. Oh he's taking calls now.


Post 7

woofti aka groovy gravy

The adverts are frightening though. I couldn't cope with that.


Post 8

woofti aka groovy gravy

Ich habe begonnen, ueber die Sonatina zu denken. The waltz in the second movement will be prepared for in the first and third movements. Very simple. A return of the row of the second in the first and the third.

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