This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

OK, it's a nice day today, warm and sunny, although the temperature at the Airport is only 21 degrees, there's not a hint of the damp that has marred the days recently.

Was woken early by Sethu and had to take her to the police station. She didn't have any bobbins there so we went to the magistrates' court in Wynberg. I don't know what happened there but she's thinking of dropping the whole thing, which is of course what the woman wants. Well, it's up to her. I think Sethu should just have ignored all the text messages - kept them, but ignored them. Nothing will come of this.

Then I went to see Mr Cohen but he wasn't there when he said he would be, and I didn't feel like waiting for him, so I left. He has yet to measure me up. Well he gave me a pair of trousers to try on and they were much too tight, I couldn't even nearly do them up. I shall need braces with this suit I think. So definitely I need to buy a few more large shirts that tuck in. Another visit to Mnandi I think.

Must get my other shirts from Mimi, and the trousers. I'll probably do that tomorrow, though it means a trip to Khayelitsha which I can't really do because the window of my car is broken. Still we'll see.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Having an night up. Have worked a bit on the Sonatina. Now I'm going to have a rest because it's a bit intense. The music isn't brilliant but it might work. I'll need a new slow movement - I'll make it atonal I think - and a finale, which I might be able to cull from the Cello Suite. Not sure. Yes I can take the fourth movement of the Cello Suite and arrange it and possibly expand it, for piano quartet. It's a dance, that's all. Just a very slight piece, just enough, a snack.

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