This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

I notice someone left an unwanted message on my Journal last night. Please don't. Go and find someone else to mess around with. OK? Thanks.

Well I was up late and feeling a bit crap, but Andrew came round and we finished going through the Index to Words. I've given him the photo I want him to use for the Author's Picture. It's nearly all done; I just have to go therough the Pronunciation Guides, rationalising them, getting the pronunciations of eta and omega right, basically. Sethu is coming round later on, which will be nice. I've got an interview with Radio Zibonele on Friday, still have to find out what time. Schmerzhaft ist die Situation mit dem anderen Maedelein, was soll ich den tun?

Yeah not feeling 100% at the moment. Need Ice Tea or something watery to get my hydration levels up. Perhaps a nice cup of hot, steaming tea.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Sethu is here doing her university assignment and I'm chilling on the sofa, nice in the Lounge, just chilling. My Netbook is picking up the wireless signal in my bedroom although I'll need a repeater in the Drawing Room to serve that room and the Afternoon Room.

I've paid the deposit for the new windows and they've received it; I'm hoping they'll come soon. The first cold front of the season is coming tomorrow.

So I'll have to clear out the den when they come. Top Shop, the Croc Shop, Trenery, and Zara. At the Waterfront. Sethu wants to buy clothes again.

Anyway, yeah, the Waterfront. Too larney, too expensive, it's a tourist trap, why anyone local should go there is totally beyond me. But Sethu was there this afternoon with a friend who needed retail therapy and now she's seen some things she like. It occurs to me I might be able to find a Hat at the Waterfront. I can't get enough hats. Today I mislaid my habitual straw Trilby and had to wear a suede broad brimmed hat instead. According to Andrew the suede hat was more "dignified" than my Red Hat. Obviously I have to have a Red Hat because of the Linux distro. And Peet has a very good Red Hat and I had to have the Peet look. But my Red Hat is a size too small for me.

Mr Cohen the tailor has the material and so on for my suits. He probably wants to measure me up. I am thinking of how to direct him to make my suits. I'll ask him to leave plenty of material to expand the waist. I've got up from a 36 to a 38 and I haven't even been eating too much. That's middle age my broer. Terrible hey. Some men remain slim thoughout their lives but I've had bad luck with witches.

Sethu is on the phone - on my landline, mind. I don't begrudge her that, not really. Strikes me I should get my manuscript and work on it in here while Sethu does her homework. But I'd rather work in my den where I've got books. I could work in the Study but I never do; it's more like a Library than a Study. I have a goodish collection of reference books. Pride of place goes to two French etymological dictionaries of Ancient Greek. They are both copied and bound at the copy shop. But they are excellent books. I got a whole tract, the most recent one, out of the entries in both of those dictionaries, plus checking with the big LSJ.

So it looks like I'd better get ready to take Sethu to the Waterfront, although I've told her we're not going to make a habit of going there. I'm against it on principle. It's an overpriced tourist trap.

Daisy is serving me wonderfully.

Anyway it's a lovely evening because it's still warm, but when the winter comes I expect I'll be staying in my den. Or of course I could bring a gas heater in here, or put one in the Afternoon Room, or into the Drawing Room, now that that room is having sounds installed. I'll have the radio tuned into the den transmitter and have stuff on YouTube and I can control the computer from a computer in the Drawing Room; OR I can use the mini FM transmitter I've got plugged into the computer I'm using in the Drawing Room and tune the radio into it, so I can have audio that way. I am thrilled with the way Shem Elohim is turning out from a technology point of view. The mini transmitter doesn't go down as far as 87.5, it starts at 87.6, but that's a very minor adjustment to the radio from its normal tuning of 87.5.

Or 87 comma 5 as they sometimes say in South Africa.

Ooh I love this country.

Mimi has got me an interview at Zibonele on Friday, just waiting to find out what time it is. Perhaps she can SMS me it.

Oh thank God for Shem Elohim. What a delightful residence it is. And Sethu is great company.

I'll have to hunt out my Vinyl and put it in the Drawing Room next to the audio installation. I just need a phono preamp and a power amp. I'm probably not going to bother making a switch to connect the phono to the amp, I'll probably just plug things in. We'll see. A switch would be good. But it might degrade the signal somehow. Not sure.

I need some more Audio cables to put all my stuff together, and another 16A strip adaptor, and I have to string the right hand speaker cable over the doorway leading to the Hall. Possibly glue it around the inside of the doorway, not sure. Annoying that.

Now Sethu's talking about supper at the Waterfront and getting "someone" to drop them there. Hmm.

"It can't be that expensive unless they've got sugardaddies." That's me - I'm a sugadaddy. "Even though I'm a broke n*gg*r" she just said. Shame. She's such a lovely lass is Sethu. Really brightens up my life.

Wanting to go to Long St and so on. Long St! Long St doesn't have a classy place, apparently. Well. Goodness.

Sugadaddy. Huh.

Sethu complaining about a place being "too dark". And Cubana Greenpoint. I somehow don't see myself being invited along to things this coming Saturday, but I can see myself subsidising the evening, we'll see. I'm such a stay-at-home. I am badly in need of a wife, but God is taking me slowly through things, at the moment I've got a young girlfriend young enough to be my daughter. But she's such a lot of fun. Now she's talking about "lunch (sic) in Camps Bay". These places, they're not my Cape Town. I like it cheap but nice. I dislike expensive places. Being out in the evening depresses me. My Father knows me and told me, through Rigby RIP, that "I'll make it up to you", dear Father, I love him so much, he is so good to me.

I wish Christians wouldn't say things like having "God in my life". You don't have God "in" your life, God IS your life. He isn't a part of your life, you don't have him "in" your life like you have a mortgage, he IS your life. Christ is your life. Paul couldn't make it any clearer. He isn't part of your life like you have a dog. Or you know, like music and writing is part of my life. Well actually music and writing are pretty well all I have in life. God has been very good to me. I wish I could remember more about the things we used to talk about before he sent me in, as it were, and I was blinded. O Lord, have mercy on me a sinner. I love you. You are my God, and I am your son. You are my God, O Lord. Help me, help me. You are my God and I love you. You know all about the worm and so on.

I find myself half way through my life already. I must get on with writing. Really must. It's a necessity that I write. Totally necessary. Then I have to find a readership. White people here are so complacent, so my parish here are the African-African South Africans.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

In fact I want to write a series of books, published by Word First, on Discipleship. I've know the Lord since well forever really, and I want to write about it, this amazing love-affair we have with the Trinity. I find so many youngsters sort of badly taught. Lynwen is my favourite young Christian. I think she's lovely. So pretty, and such a precious heart. She'll make someone such a lovely wife one day. Sethu says she isn't interested in me after all. Oh well. I'll probably have to wait until the second service to marry. I don't know. I need the companionship. Having Sethu is a lot of fun but that's not going to last forever. She'll find someone who's into sex I expect. I don't do sex, not until I'm married. Awaken not desire until it pleases. I've found my sex drive really fallen off these days. I'd rather sit and think, or listen to music, or research tracts. How I love my tract work, and how wrong it was of Helga to stop it. Of course she can't go back on it now, but she surely must realise it wasn't the Lord wanting to stop me working. She waltzed straight into Old Nick's arms, basically. He's the one who wants to shut me up. But hey. pasa gyne and all that. Hey.

Not very many people are going to get the reference at the end of the last paragraph. I miss Oxford sometimes. But my mind isn't strong enough to take the pressure. Not of work; but of the bureaucracy and organisation and vibral pressure of a big institution. I just can't handle it. Aberdeen was a total nightmare. But I did so well there. I thoroughly enjoyed being a student at Aberdeen. I was on top of my form and working hard; well, I didn't work at anything but Hebrew, basically because I didn't need to. The Holy Spirit has had his way with my mind and I've been consciously training it since about 1991, when I met Rigby. And now I'm ready to write discipleship books. How I trust the Lord for the success of Word First Ministries. I need to patent the name and the logo, really.

The book I'm working on at the moment has the working title "Be Ye Transformed". Although the verb is passive, we are in control of the renewing of our minds. That's why I'm writing about it. So many people have been so badly taught; and seeing that God is, or appears to be slow in giving me opportunities, and even the ones I have, are taken away, I must make my own. I must get to work seriously on Be Ye and get it printed and try to get it through my contacts, somehow. I need a break with the distribution of my work. Shops won't touch it; so much religion, so little faith. Sometimes you wonder whether people actually know the Lord, I mean, being in constant touch with his about everything. People have this horrendous religious concept of how to be a disciple of Christ. No wonder he doesn't have very many friends. Then you get people who are naturally happy and they import that into their faith as if their natural happiness were the joy of the Lord. It isn't. I, who am naturally a depressive and over-thoughtful and mentally problematickal, well it's different for me. But people don't like me because --- well you name it. They just don't appear to like me. Always wanting to put me down and -- but that's probably just the hereticks, who act like that. I don't have a problem with the sons and the saints; it's the wannabes I have a problem with. Well that's not fair. You know what I mean. The Triggerhappies of this world, the vicious who haven't let the Lord into the backstage of their minds. This is the situation I want to address in my work. So much superficiality on the shelves of the Christian bookshops. I wonder whether I'll ever get Words published. I think I should send about ten copies out to ten different publishers, and tell them there's a lot more where that came from. Hey ho. I must write. I must write. Dei me graphein. Trzeba mi pisowac (?).


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

Sethu told me my cigaret smoke was giving her a headache. So I opened the window. It should be open anyway - I don't remember closing it.

So I need a new maid. Andrew is finding someone for me. In fact I think he's found someone. The only condition is that she must love God. Last time I made that stipulation, I was sorely deceived. That cannot happen again. I shall have to have whomever I end up with, on a 6 week probation regime. I cannot, will not and shall not endure another fiasco as with the previous one. And no-one gets to move in here. I have learnt that lesson. It is delightful having Sipho here in the evenings and sleeping in the spare room, but I shall not have anyone else living here again I don't think, until I am safely married. But whomever I marry is going to have to love God more than she loves me, that is of the first importance. And God will show me if you're a fake. He showed me about my previous worker in a vision which her demons revealed to her that I was having, as I was having it. It was all pretty unpleasant but clearly I had to go through it. She hasn't invited me to her wedding, but I don't like weddings (or funerals, for that matter, having only been to one). I've only ever been to 2 weddings, I think; and I read at both of them, Shakespeare at my brother's and Paul at Chris's.

When I get my new maid it's strictly business only, otherwise they take advantage something terrible. I've nearly always been taken advantage of by my cleaners. I'm just far too soft and really in need of a wife to look after all this stuff for me. But God isn't playing ball at the moment.

Gosh, suddenly I cannot keep my eyes open. It's midnight. Better get to bed soon. The evening really doesn't last long enough.

smiley - sleepy

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