This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

It's a lot colder suddenly. I am going to have to start lighting the fire again. Where did the summer go? It was a long hot summer, that much I know. Still, I'm changing my clobber, looking for brown Windsor suits. Tailor made, I think, unless I can find something suitable (ho ho) in Cape Town.

Man kann mit der sinnlosen Frau nicht logisch reden, weil sie weigert, um den Gott den Herrn mit dem ganzen Verstand zu lieben. Laecherlich.

Well I've got tea. And a ciggie on. The breakfast of champions. Oh, and I had scrambled eggs just now, for breakfast. Lekker.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

I'm having two brown bespoke suits tailored for me by a Mr Cohen. I feel a great deal of pleasure in considering this.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

It means I've got a Jewish doctor and a Jewish tailor. Perfect.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

Right, a new resolution: I call myself a writer when people ask, so I've decided to do three hours a day, nine until 12, writing tracts. Once I'm back into the swing of writing my radio tracts, I can start bigger projects, but first I want to get back into the way of writing decent, properly researched prose, teaching material for believers. I want to produce as many volumes of Words from the Word as possible; this has now nothing to do with CCFM, I think they're better off without me, or at least, they think they're better off without me; la Van Niekerk wrote me a rather offensive email some while ago hinting that they didn't think I was holy enough for their radio station. Well then I certainly don't want to besmirch their holiness for the sake of original, tailor-made, properly researched, scholarly but accessible Bible teaching, which they can clearly do without. So they can get on with it while I establish my cottage industry writing for self-publication and distribution in the townships. My intended readership are the township Christians, I just hope that they dig what I write. It is regret in my heart that I take psychological leave of the Muizenberg heretics, but they are clearly too holy for the likes of me. So I'm striking out on my own, as ever, and will discipline myself to produce more work. I shall have to find some way of finding the incentive to write without being asked.

I hope that I get a response from Words other than just hearsay from Sindi. But we shall see. I don't see why God should have gifted me to do the things that I can do well, only to find that nobody wants what I have to offer. Quant a la van N, dei auten ienai hwste heauten binei, quite frankly.

Yeah, so starting tomorrow then. I've got the first independent tract ready to be written, the one on nomen in John 10:9.

I shouldn't really withdraw the dedication to Helga of Words from the Word because that would be to sink to her level. But I'm sorely tempted to. In fact I think I must; dei auten heauten binein, nai.

I'll dedicate it to David instead, who has stuck by me through thick and thin; no fair weather brother he.

Sorry Helga, if you're reading this. Your behaviour is reprehensible. I don't mind being outcast, in fact I'm used to it, I don't know any other way of being a believer; and I forgive you for publicly taking the piss out of the tract I wrote in love especially for you, but you don't get the dedication, no. Find someone else to take the piss out of, and to judge by your own righteousness, which is as a used tampon in God's eyes; find someone else similarly qualified in the eyes of man and of God, willing to produce work of similar quality for nothing but love.

So we turn aside from Muizenberg and we start thinking about a manual devoted to the art of renewing the mind. That is needful today.

I have all the anthropology and the theoretical framework already worked out in my mind. So I can write using my simple style. First I must have an outline of the shape of the treatise in my mind before I start to write. It can, and indeed must be simple.

So perhaps I should aim at at least several tracts a week, and also work on the treatise which I must find a name for.

"Be ye transformed" would be good, I suppose. Yeah why not.

Well this is exciting. I am going to maybe write the tract tonight that I've got in mind for nomen. And when I get an idea I must write it down. There are several that I've had, but forgotten about.

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