This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

I've moved the PC in here, that's the word processing PC not the Entz Machine, to the Lounge, where it acts as an Entz Machine in there. In here I've put the El Cheapo Machine in its place, but I cannot get it online. It has non-standard wifi circuitry. Strangely it doesn't work with the wifi extender, either. I have yet to experiment with that to the max though.

Still blessed through meeting M and I think I'll be blessed for the rest of my life through her.

I don't know about my Cello Suite. M wrote a pretty damning review of it but I think part of that was just his taste, he condemns anything he considers "jaunty". But anyway. I've got the In Memoriam which Tess liked (I think), although I don't know, she might have been being kind. I've also stripped out Movements 1 and 4 and called it "Song and Dance".

I am very blessed and enrichened by having met A's family. Such a blessed household.

Bless Tim, he calls it "Land and Life", the idea of the Year of Jubilee.

I've had a lot of experience in the townships and have been thinking about the different cultures in this country for years. I think I'm arriving at some tentative conclusions. This is thought by experience, rather than by theory. From praxis to theory to praxis again. John Swinton would be proud of me.

I must continue to live and think and try to think.

Except dear Rachelle just called me 'mad' on the television. Is that mad, that I hear her calling me mad on the television? That's a bit catch-22 isn't it?

Gosh. Watching Revelation TV on the big screen here. It's very good. The timezone difference is a bit of a fash though. There's just nothing local that can touch Revelation for quality Christian broadcasting.

The atmosphere of love at A's is too amazing. I am so blessed.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

But I am very tired after my weekend in the township, and I slept through Monday, which is terribly discombobulating. I've got to rewrite the In Memoriam because the piano part is messy, not the notes, but the way they are written on the page (a technical thing); then I've got to print out the whole for piano & cello (full score), and extract the cello part and print that, and have both printings done double-sided and bound at the copy shop.

It is so quiet and peaceful here. I don't know what to do with myself. I need REST from my weekend and I think I missed Sethu's 21st so that's no good. I can't cope with lots of demands all the time. My mind shuts down. How I need an 'ezer k'negdi!


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Gosh I just need to rest. I've put off Sipho from coming; I can't cope with her today. Just peace and quiet, blessed peace and quiet. I really ought to get round to writing more tracts because I need to make a Volume 2, but I'm only going to do that once I've handed out all of Volume 1.

Mimi is busy handing out some books to people who are curious about it; then we shall probably have another handing-out in Khayelitsha next Saturday. I hope to have recovered by then smiley - winkeye

Right, I've had a bath and a change of clothes. Wearing Hugo Boss - it's my favourite - I love it, I think it's really me.

Phew. Going out again in Daisy but not to the location this time, just as far as Rosebank and thence to Lansdowne Road police station.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

I am pleased with this piece: it's called In Memoriam and it's dedicated to the memory of Nick Greenwood. Pity I haven't any contact with his parents. I should like them to know their son is still remembered. Perhaps I'll try through my College. They might know.

I shall probably have it performed at the concert in the Winter.

Pieces to be performed then include:

Five Jewish Folksongs (violin and piano)

In Memoriam (cello and piano)

Elegy for Bob (viola and piano)

Song and Dance (?) (cello solo)

Theme and Variations (piano solo)

Most of this is recent music.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

The weekend was such a tumult, I don't know how they manage to play so hard all the time. Last time I spent a Saturday night in Khayelitsha it was the same. Despite having slept all yesterday I am still emotionally tired out. It's safe to say I have to cut stress out of my life altogether. Just can't deal with it any more. Too exhausting.

But we may be handing out in the township again on Saturday. I may even spend the night at Mimi's again, I don't know. All I know is that I am shattered with exhaustion and can do very little today.


Post 6


smiley - space
smiley - smiley hi woofti
smiley - spacesmiley - tea how's life?


Post 7

woofti aka groovy gravy

Stumbled across a site talking about "empaths". This dimension of human being is totally misunderstood by many believers. The article says that empaths, or what I would call hyper-sensitive persons, will resort to alcohol or drugs or what he calls "over-thinking". He also says that hypersensitivity is the wrong word to denote empathetic personages. He also talks about blockages in the throat - like a worm that lodges in the body/soul, and blocks up the ENT. This article on empathy resonated deeply. He even talks about the empath taking on other people's energies and processing them on behalf of others. I've been thinking about this for decades.

To me this is all about the associated dimension of the ether; but a voice just hushed me when I was about to write that. Always remember that there is always more than you are presently aware of.

John 10:9 - "pasture" - a wonderful word for a tract. I've got to get all the tracts printed out from the last one that was broadcast so long ago, on "Be filled with the Spirit". Why? For that I must needs build an Second Volume of Words from the Word. All I have to do is start reading the Bible either in Hebrew or in Greek, and words for tracts just jump out at me. I'm making it a long-term project seeing as I've got little else to do at the moment. Dia emou skandalizei ho Theos kai tas gynaikes kai tous andras en tei ekklesiai; dia touto ekballousin eme ek tes synagwges. Makarioi este hotan miseswsin hymas hoi anthropoi, kai hotan ... ekballwsin to onoma hymwn hws poneron...


Post 8

woofti aka groovy gravy

I do not understand why people say actor for actress. Neither poet for poetess. An actress is an actress and a poetess is a poetess. You wouldn't call an adulteress an adulteror would you? No you wouldn't. So.

Anyway I'm enjoying today, resting quietly.


Post 9

woofti aka groovy gravy

Sorry that should be adulterer. Bad mistake - both the tupperware and the tinkerty tonk.

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