This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Well the stress has - I think - lessened a bit. I've only got the car to think about now, and the thing on Saturday, but Mimi's got that under control. I phoned her and she spoke worryingly about being around the railway line, let's hope she has a good spot in mind and not actually near any railway line. Just have to trust that she's got it right.

The &^*&^% who cut my hair, actually cut it shorter than I wanted it done. Pity because otherwise next time I could do it myself, but it's too short for that now. I shall just have to steer clear of all hairdressers or barbers for the next 6 months or so, and refuse to allow anyone to dictate to me concerning my hair in future. The stress was appalling and I couldn't get to a doctor to get tranqs, neither could I today, so I'll try tomorrow, and not let anything get in the way of that.
It's a pity that the bar they wanted to open on the Main Road near here never materialised. Cubana is too far and too larney to go for quick drink, just a few beers or whatever. Some SIM cards I had have disappeared, so I'm making a note of that my email and here, so it's demonstrable that at this time said cards are not in my possession, in case anyone wants to make mischief.

pistos ex ges palaias aner melan dei ean monen.

That's quite nice with the -s endings in the first half contrasting with the -n's in the second half.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Actually it was sneakily done, because I wasn't made aware of any intention to ask for it to be made shorter, and I didnt hear the request. I've really had it - that'll do me for another 6 years or however long it will be before I venture forth into the murky, shark-infested Woofti Waters again. Of course I could telephone to Japan and see if they had anyone to capture the sharks. I believe the Japanese have expertise in capturing sharks. They could be released into the Bristol Channel and used for target practice by the Sea Scouts. Obviously they would have to use rubber bullets, or possibly balloons filled with paint of various colours.

I don't know why anyone drinks wine. I don't like it at all. It tastes sort of sharp. Is this mission being funded by the CIA? Who knows. Gosh. A girl on the movie called Anne-Marie.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

The United States is pushing the world to the brink of intergalactic celebration. Balloons will be shipped in from East Bulgaria and Venezuela. I am not in an American courtroom and I refuse to answer questions about missiles in Cuba, Streatham and Old Hong Kong. May we have the presentation please. Ladies and Gentleman, Here is a photograph of a photograph of a Soviet vessel. As ladies and gentleman can see, it is floating on the surface of the water, bob bob bobbing along the briny blue.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

Lots of totally unnecessary pixels being changed about L'Affaire de la Plume de ma Tante, as the French say, but that's the nature of the furry meat-eating jungle-dwelling quadruped.

I've watched 13 Days, a movie about the Cuban Missile Crisis, or the Cuban Missle Crisis as the Americans say. American English is just subtly different, just different enough to get on our tets.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

I had cause, while living in Leeds, to upbraid a certain gentleman whose acquaintenance I was blessed to enjoy, for a short while, in Cape Town; he was the founder of a church organisation called Thembalitsha, 'new hope'. I wrote to point out that in such words it was more usual* to elide the final vowel of a noun in favour of the initial vowel of its accompanying adjective, e.g. Khayelitsha, from ikhaya elitsha, 'new home'. I have yet to receive an answer.

*But is it? Gugulethu? But -ethu(1) is not a pure adjective, but a pronominal suffix, which have different rules. It is not "igugu *elethu" but "igugu-lethu", the 'l' being a marker of Class 5. We should have to research to discover the accuracy of my "more usual" there.

igugu - heritage (class 5)
lethu - our (ditto)

igugulethu = our heritage

Yeah. Some heritage, you might be forgiven for thinking.

(1) We see this suffix appear in the name Siphosethu, which means "our gift" - isipho is a class 7 noun, and the suffix here is marked by the 's', which is the characteristic marker of its class. Class 8 (plural of Class 7) is izipho izethu, so a putative name meaning "our gifts" would be Ziphozethu. If Siphosethu were to be diagnosed with schizophrenia, she could be renamed Ziphozethu, but that is a joke in very poor taste.

Our dog = inja yethu.

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