This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

I've just ended my "boyfriend/girlfriend" situation with Sethu and I would like to make a note of this, it's 13.24 on Sunday 23rd Feb and I've just shown her out, and I have no ill feeling towards her, in fact I wish her well, but I think she's a bit young for me. However I think she may be unhappy that I terminated our togetherness and she may seek revenge in the form of some kind of satisfaction. So I am putting it on record here. I hope she will be very happy in her life and will find someone to help her enjoy life together.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

She started trying to psychoanalyse me; as if after 30 years' practice, I haven't managed to come up with my own answers. I gave her the opportunity for an easy way out but she wasn't having any of it. She said on text (I have the SMS) that she wouldn't mind if I wanted to call it a day, so I decided to call her bluff. She was taken aback, to put it mildly. Well she obviously doesn't know me as well as she thinks she does. That is it, as far as the world's women are concerned. I've had enough mucking around. Let the next woman to enter my life be a blood-bought Spirit-filled Bible-reading God-loving believer girl. Accept No Imitations.

So what's next. Book distribution with Mimi. That'll be nice. And I've got the window people phoning tomorrow. And I'll make an appointment with the Doc at 2pm. I've got to phone Pieter Labuschagne. He doesn't seem to want to help me, for some reason.

What decided me, this morning, to cut my losses was the inadequate account the girl gave of my psychology. She had seriously underestimated me. And I thought, I know what she thinks I'm like; she clearly hasn't the depth to take adequate soundings. Oh anyone can judge from the externals, but it takes an adult up to know an adult up from the inside.

Right up to the end, she was mocking me. Bit like Sipho really. And I was thoroughly disrespected by Anelisa. So this trio of mocking, disrespectful girls, hey? All connected to my erstwhile housekeeper. I'm so glad to be shot of them all. It feels like I can start afresh. The main mistake was trusting Chanda to find me a humble believer. Whereas it takes a humble believer to know one.

I get the impression Jesus has died for my sin.

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