This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

OK, woke up at past five, looked for my Gautrain card, couldn't find it. had it only a day or so ago.

Can't decide about "In Memoriam". The first movement ("Threnody") is really old and my influences show up really starkly. I may scrap it and try a completely new pece for cello ad piano. It will be serial, and I've already found the row.

Hot. Hot. Hot, very Hot.

The secret is to take it easy. Drink plenty of water.

Outta here at ten.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Didn't go to Jo'burg. Couldn't face being out in the heat. It's 34 at the airport and probably hotter here. My room is 32 degrees.

What did they do to my brain? What? Someone messed with it. You don't just end up with a mind like mine. Someone has to feck around, big time, to get you to where they got me. What did they do to my brain? What did they do to my mind?


Post 3


smiley - space
It IS possible that they did something to your mind but it is also possible that they did not
That you were just born with it. And if it did not show up right away, the idiosyncracies,
it was just that they needed time to appear.
What probably did happen might have something to do with fear
I am just casting around in the dark here, woofti
Not knowing you in person
But not entirely in the dark, because my mind is unique too
I mean, just when I start to forget my 'differentness' someone always Always has to mention it.
smiley - erm
I mean, really, it seems like I am not supposed to forget I am 'different'
yes yes I know we are all different
some of us are more different than others

I am glad that I have you here woofti
here on the internet
you have helped me so much
and I am not just saying this
And its not that you have it worse than me
the 'playpen' of the mind
its that you remind me that even though I AM alone in here
in my mind

oh wait

I'm not!!
We all have each other!

oh wait


okay okay whatever

so anyway I know because of you I know I am not alone
that being in my mind is not a solitary thing
because there you are over there in your mind
and kids in sandboxes
and we wave to each other

some kids don't wave
but thats because they don't know what we know



Post 4


smiley - space
i meant 'LIKE kids in sandboxes'


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

Meanwhile my girlfriend is being threatened by a woman who says she's going to the sangoma (witchdoctor) to have her killed. All over some Tupperware that went missing. I am FURIOUS that this bullying, stupid, banal woman has evidently such power over poor Sethu - not just Sethu, but her mother as well. They all believe in it, this Bantu voodoo. It's very sad.


Post 6


smiley - space

smiley - yikes



Post 7


smiley - space
smiley - envy

smiley - sadfacesmiley - smileysmiley - sadfacesmiley - smileysmiley - sadfacesmiley - erm

smiley - biggrin

smiley - towel

smiley - cheerup congratulations smiley - magic


Post 8

woofti aka groovy gravy

Yes well you know, we've just gradually become pals and so on. It's not a proper adult relationship by the world's standards, because I'm chaste, but she appears to like me, I don't know why, perhaps it's opposites attract, I really don't know. From her perspective I must be ancient and washed up, rattling with pills and something of a bore. I'm enjoying her company as and when I get it, not taking anything for granted, and aware she might find someone else less old and raddled and more fun at any time; but I do make her laugh, sometimes.


Post 9


smiley - space

smiley - biggrin

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