This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Phoned the taxi service. Told them I wanted to pick me up in Kenilworth, take me to Rosebank, pick up a person there and bring us back to Claremont. The puir lassie I spoke to said "We don't do such trips".

Which is utter nonsense, as I spoke to a different lady who said yes she could do it but it's going to cost me R350, which is a total rip off but better than me losing my licence and getting done for DUI.

I wonder why people talk such nonsense when they are supposed to be representing "Cape Town's favourite taxi service" -- is it malice? Spite? Anger? Fear and loathing?

What a world we live in to be sure, to be sure.

I'm kind of half betting no-one's going to turn up.

It has been an extremely hot day. And I've enjoyed every sunsoaked minute. When I lived in Upington we had days like today every day all summer long. What a pleasure. Selling Bergman St was the worst investment mistake I've ever, ever made, especially since Upington is now experiencing a boom. I'd better not think about it or I'll get despondent at my own folly.

Anyway we went to Tygervalley and I've left Sethu at her flat and I've been having an afternoon at home with the Internet and a packet of 20 Mills.

Tomorrow I am going to Khwezi Park and will try to get Sindi in so I can deliver her books.


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Going out just now, waiting for the taximeter to arrive. I'd better get him to drop us at the garage opposite Cubana so I can get some cash out of the magic machine.

It's Friday and I'm dressed in my grokking gear.

Linen suit, groovy shirt, brown shoes, hair down with an Alice band.

It's something kinda ooh.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Had a good evening out. Sethu enjoyed herself. She was looking stunning in her little black dress and a pair of the most scrumptious heels. Excellent. I wore my linen suit and a beautiful short sleeved cotton shirt from that funky place in Obs.

Nice to be back home in the quiet though. I like going out if I'm with someone sensitive enough and patient enough to cope with me, but only in small dosages.

Tomorrow: Khayelitsha Mall to hand out Amazwi.

Sunday: Up to Jo'burg. I'd better phone ahead and book myself in to the Rosebank hotel.

Monday: Meeting with Lara the pianist who is going to play my works, including the Piano Variations, the Jewish Folksongs, the Elegy for Bob, and possibly also In Memoriam for cello solo.

Good mood tonight. It all went very well.

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