This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

I see Helga was pissing me off last night and I finally lost my temper with her. Too bad; she should know better than to mess with me. I warned her not to on numerous occasions. I have the spirituality of God AND the spirituality of the earth. I doubt she is awake enough to realise or understand this about me. Then it's time she found out the hard way. I shall crack her head open like a boiled egg and let some fresh air into the brain-space. She has to learn that Joyce Bloody Meyer is NOT adequate theologically to account for the realities of God and of the earth, of apostles and kings, of the elect and the chosen. The more I think on it the more pissed off I get; better not think about it.

Up early at eight feeling refreshed after a really good sleep. Going to the Bank at nine then seeing Sethu and we're going to do some retail therapy in Wynberg.

I've told Sethu she can have a Little Black Dress and I'm hoping it won't break the bank! She needs one. We might find one in Claremont this morning.

Got to: Go to the Bank this morning, which I must do at nine sharp, then to the travel agent, then to find a LBD. I've got to get up now.

smiley - run


Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Had a wonderful morning and afternoon with Sethu. It is a beautiful day with just enough breeze to make the hot sun bearable. What a difference a woman makes.

We got quite a lot of stuff including a huge sofa for R1,500 and a bean bag, a handbag from Woollies and some stuff from Mr Price Home. We had a great time. I pissed her off by arguing that we should pay the Congolese guys R50 each for manhandling the sofa (a huge one in 2 parts) down the road 100 yards; Sethu was annoyed about this.

Anyway El Elohei Yisrael is making me a cup of hot, steaming tea.

And I had the opportunity to speak some French to a Congo guy, which was utterly delightful; I love speaking French and never get the opportunity.


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

Now we're going to Claremont to get Sethu a bikini. She's so young, and it never stops. Tiring for someone as old and diseased as yrs trly.


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

The Congolese guys were skindering about Sethu and me in French. They said, c'est l'amour. LOL.


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

Of Apostles and Kings

would be a good title for a poem, or a prose poem.


Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

I'm actually very annoyed indeed at the garage. I am going to get Mike to help me write an excoriating letter of complaint once Wilfie's safely home again.


Post 7

woofti aka groovy gravy

Recording Berkoff's Trial off tape to computer to memory stick. I wonder where my big memory stick is.


Post 8

woofti aka groovy gravy

Capaldi's outfit is perfect for the Doctor. A good face too. Really looking forward to it again. Some of the stories are very good. I should like to watch some more Who but I'm doing an audio job tonight and can't watch Who at the same time; I'll miss the end of the tape.

Going to Jo'burg on Thursday. I've got to psych myself up for that.


Post 9


smiley - space
Maybe bring a friend along? As backup? smiley - smiley


Post 10

woofti aka groovy gravy

Yes I am bringing Sethu with, and she takes no nonsense from ANYONE. Very impressive when she's in full fury.


Post 11


smiley - space
smiley - ok

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