This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Went to bed quite early after finishing my R2 book "The Revival in Indonesia". I found it in the library when I went there on Friday to collect my library ticket. They had a table with a load of old books going cheaply. It was written by a German theologian, Kurt Koch. I wonder if he's still alive? The book was written in the late 60s.

I woke up in the night with a sore throat and a blocked nose - not another cold! I hadn't had a cold for ages while I was living in the UK but here it seems I only just recovered from a week-long one when another one happens along. This one is different from the last one. I guess I must have caught it at the fashion show. I had the impression that I didn't sleep very well last night, but I'm feeling OK now.

It's quite overcast. They came on Friday to do my parking space - they tried to erase the inscription "BESOEKERS" ("visitors") and replace it with the number 5, the number of my flat. But they couldn't get rid of the "Besoekers" inscription. Well, they didn't give the fellow the right tools for the job. It needed a stiff wire brush. And he wasn't going at it very wholeheartedly, I have to say. Anyway, they are coming on Monday with some red roof paint to paint over the "besoekers" sign and then will stencil on the number 5. Then, I will have a parking space of my own. Not before time - I've been on at Leandre for ages about this. Still, better late than never.


Post 2


Hi there Richard! I looked on the Net for any information about Kurt Koch, and he appears to have been born in 1950 and is the Bishop of Berne, Switzerland. If this is the correct person, he would have written your book when only in his late teens ~ would that have been the case, d'you think, or could it be someone else with the same name?

I'd like to read about the Indonesian Revival ~ I've certainly heard something about it. I must check in the library at the earliest opportunity!smiley - smiley

I hope that the weather is being kind to you today. It's beautiful, sunny & warm here, although so it should be!! However, for the first time this summer I woke up to a
m-i-s-t-y morning, which I hope isn't going to prove to be the first "grunts" of autumn.
smiley - winkeye

'Bye for now,


Post 3

woofti aka groovy gravy

No, I don't think that is the same Kurt Koch. I also looked him up on the net and found this Bishop Kurt Koch. It is a different one.

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