This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Not a good day, though the weather was fine enough. I got up fairly late, having dreamt vividly in the morning. This always puts me in a strange humour for the rest of the day which I only snap out of in the evening.

Dave called (my brother) this morning while I was still abed. He wanted me to ring him back. So I did, this evening. I wish I hadn't, now, because all he wanted to do was lecture me about our mother... that's all he ever does, these days. His disappeared as an independent personality in 1991 when he married his first wife. Before then, we used to get on so well. smiley - sadface

While not putting the phone down on him, I made my view forcefully known that I didn't appreciate his lectures. He says he's the "moral head of the family" - he's behaving like Marlon Brando in the Godfather. There are complex issues about money involved with all this. It isn't as simple as it seems. Families and money don't mix very well. smiley - sadfacesmiley - sadface

Upset by this call, I phoned Pete and that has cheered me up enormously. We chatted for over an hour. Pete is a breath of fresh air these days. He has found a splendid woman to share his life with and they're getting married in November. He is an eminently sensible chap. He is looking forward in life, whereas David and mother seem to be pondering on the ills of the family's past all the time. I am looking forward, too, to my new life in SA with its new job and the interest and challenges that will have. Peter is looking forward to his wedding and his new life with Sarah. But David and mother seem to lack that vital spark. You should hear him - he doesn't sound particularly happy or positive about things. In fact he sounds a bit like Marvin. Talking of whom...

I watched 4 episodes of the TV series of Hitchhiker this afternoon. It was most enjoyable. smiley - ok I am about to watch the other 2. Then I have the second DVD to explore. Although I don't tend to be very interested in "how we made this" documentaries.

Did nothing about the saw. Had smiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - ale this evening. Well I was feeling a bit down in the day and went to the co-op and bought the beer. What you have to remember, gentle reader, (self-justification coming up), is that in 6 weeks' time I shall be in South Africa, where there is no bitter generally available. You can get cans of it but at a premium, as "exotic" beer. Too expensive for general consumption. So I am enjoying it while I still can. In SA all you can get is: Castle, Lion, Amstel, all lagers, none of which I will drink, and Windhoek lager, from Namibia, which I will drink because it is brewed according to the German Purity Law (Reinheitsgebot). At least it was when I was last there.

I may indeed go on one last pub binge while I'm in Leeds. I was hoping that Bex might join me for that, but she has exams. Anyone fancy a pub crawl?


Post 2


"The moral head of the family"?

Eek. This sounds very mid-Victorian Gothic.

I could murder a nice pint at the minute, but I suppose I'll have to make do with a cup of tea.

I gather you enjoyed Albert Herring. I love the bits with the children - "it sounds a bit potty, but we're not complaining!"



Post 3


Hello there Richard! I'm sorry that yesterday was not very good for you, & sincerely hope that today has been better.smiley - ok

Sorry to hear about the phone call which you found upsetting, but I'm glad that you're good friends with your brother Pete & that he was able to cheer you up. Families eh???smiley - erm We're all such a mixed-bag of humanity that we just can't hope to please everyone ~ even those we're related to!!I don't think there's much we can do about it, just live our life as seems best for us, and concentrate on the POSITIVE!smiley - smiley

(Mind you ~ I'm a good one to talk ~ I've felt less that brilliant today myself!)

As I've mentioned before ~ I think that a L E E D S M I N I - M E E T (not "just" a pub-crawl) would be a really good idea, & I do hope that you'll agree, & consider inviting fellow-Mustardlanders to attend! (plus any other worthy souls, of course). Yes?? smiley - cheerssmiley - oksmiley - magic


Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

Hi Douglas. Yes, I liked the children as well. Britten wrote good children's parts generally. He also wrote beautiful, rich, sensuous love music for Nancy and Sid.

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