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21.04.05 /2

Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Blimey, I'm absolutely shattered! I was so tired that I had to go and lie down during the last 10 minutes of Ed Reardon and missed the first 3 minutes of the Archers by snoozing. And the back of my neck is aching quite badly. This is not good. I think I will have to go to bed nice and early this evening. And no alcohol, either. Maybe it's the cumulative effect of drinking all that beer ... the empty cans were mounting up in my attic den something outrageous. I think that the beer stops me from sleeping effectively so that I get more and more tired as I continue to drink in the evening, and it has finally caught up with me. Well that's good, in a way; I shall hopefully get a good night's sleep tonight.

And that blasted film has had quite an effect on me. It was a horrible film, dark and forbidding, full of suicide and evil. The man playing Hitler was very good, but it was good in a horrid way... who was that German whose portrait he was staring at when he finally admitted defeat? Bismarck? God it was depressing. Eva Braun was played very effectively though: "Ich will tanzen!"

Max has advertised an Edinburgh Meet in another place. I hope some mustardlanders respond and we can have a little meet in a quiet pub somewhere (or even in the bar of my hotel). I would prefer a quiet pub - I can't stand noisy places. There is a nice pub on Rose St. I went there a few summers ago. It has a juke box, but it wasn't too loud. Edinburgh is a very civilised place, as I remember.

21.04.05 /2

Post 2


Hello Dagesh ~ I hope I'm putting this reply in the correct place!smiley - smiley I'm sorry to hear about the film, and hope that the next time you go to the cinema it's to see something you REALLY WANT to see, and preferably something that will make you feel good!smiley - cake I'm pleased to report that I haven't been to the cinema for over 20 years!<smiley - biggrin

Well, it's another lovely warm day here today, so I shall be out gardening shortly. smiley - run Thanks for the h2g2 info ~ I shall have a good look around in a little while. Hope that your own day is good!smiley - bubbly

21.04.05 /2

Post 3


I forgot to mention Edinburgh ~ I'd absolutely love to be able to go to an Edinburgh get-together, so must have a look around for this info which Max has posted! I've only been once, briefly, in about 1997, when the weather was somewhat "mixed" ~ so would like the opportunity to have another try! Plus ~ naturally ~ meeting up with Mustardlanders who live "up there"! smiley - run

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