This is the Message Centre for woofti aka groovy gravy


Post 1

woofti aka groovy gravy

Here in the internet cafe as I was getting up to get myself a free cup of coffee I suddenly beheld the most sexually appealing woman I think I have ever seen. The jolt ran through my entire body and I was left breathless and completely, helplessly at a loss. As I type this she is sitting in glorious impeturbability behind me. And I have to go to a prayer meeting in 25 minutes to celebrate the glory of Christ and his victory over the Tempter!

I am still reading for my book. I have a position that is quite different from the usual Protestant one, but I don't really know enough about Barth, Pannenberg and so on to argue against their positions. So what I'm going to have to do is just state my position without entering into any debate. I think what I will do is state what I believe without mentioning many names. I have already quoted the Romanian Orthodox theologian Dumitru Staniloae, but that is because I agree with him. I want to quote TF Torrance as well, because I agree with him too. But there is this American woman called Kathryn Tanner and I don't agree with the implications of what she says. But I'm worried that if I quote her and say I don't agree with her, some clever dick who knows much more theology than I do will climb in and say that I have misunderstood her position and misrepresented her by selective quotation.

I don't think of myself as a theologian, but as a Christian testifying to what Christ has done in and through me. Of course all theology should be like that, but it isn't. So often it's all about power and holding one's own in the face of competitive ideas. I am not into that at all. We are called to be witnesses for Christ - that means, we are called to tell the world what Christ has done for us. Too many theologians are witnesses to their own cleverness and ambition.

Anyway I am recovering slowly from the tremendous vision of the attractive power of female beauty sitting behind me. I wonder what she's like?

It is warm and sunny out today. The computer at the B&B is still down, so I haven't been able to listen to TA for a couple of days. Adrienne is in Durban at the moment so I can't get her to get it seen to.


Post 2


I'm dying to know what happened next ~ did you speak to the beautiful lady and ~ introduce yourself/discuss the weather/ask her out for a meal?? It seems a shame if you didn't act upon this opportunity!smiley - winkeye


Post 3

Drystane Dyke

I don't think you need to worry about the people who know more than you. Firstly there always will be people who genuinely know more than you & that is fine because you learn from them. And secondly there will be people who sound great - who have the language & the rhetoric & write/speak well. But you have to remember that truth is not necessarily presented in impressive wrapping; the wrapping may in fact be the best part of the package. Just because William Hague is an absolutely brilliant speaker & highly persuasive it doesn't mean he is right. Just because so-&-so at church sweeps everyone before her by her delivery when she contributes to a discussion it doesn't mean that "she has the mind of God".

If you write a book you should set out your stall first & say what & who you are - frankly I would rather have a serious Christian who also happens to have done a lot of study, reading & thinking than a Theologian telling me about the bible & about christology/soteriology. As they say, I would rather feel contrition than know how to define it.

I have done it!!!! I have made my first post in h2g2!!!smiley - biggrin


Post 4


Yay!! Welcome to our world, DD!

Have to say that I always come here first these days, before checking out Mustardland. Mainly because at the moment I don't have any time for lurking during the day, and there's a limit to how many thousand posts you can read in an hour or so in the evening. Sometimes ML is just too much of a good thing!

Anyway, nice to see you in here. How's LI's foot/leg?


Post 5

woofti aka groovy gravy

Hello Drystane

This one is much more coherent that the last one. I am really finding myself onto paper and the writing is clear, even and all of a piece. I would send you the first chapter - I brought it on a stiffie to email to someone else - but the computer here at the internet cafe won't read the disk.


PS Welcome to Hootoo and I'm so glad you chose my thread to start on!


Post 6

Drystane Dyke

I definitely feel a bit lost here smiley - erm though I lurrrrrrrve being able to use smileys smiley - smiley.

LI is not seriously bored yet & went out on her own for the first time today. According to a bloke in the pub who did the same thing a few years ago they tell you the worst case scenario but in fact they check you after 4 weeks & if you are doing well it is not automatically another 6 weeks in plaster (or 3 more months if the tendon is snapped, which LI's isn't) - so there is hope that she may be rid of it sooner than feared. It isn't, & has never been after the first couple of days, painful - just an infernal nuisance.

She is using the time to learn Spanish & read improving books & watch Sky Sports News for hours & hours on end.....


Post 7

Drystane Dyke

If you can get any of it to me I would love to see it. Your last was not in the least incoherent & I learnt an awful lot from it.

I think I said (annoying that you can't see the whole thread) that I'm writing a sermon on Proverbs ch.1. I don't think your average person in the pew has ever read Proverbs, well, at least I am assuming they haven't. It is not a good sermon because I am tired & life is super-complicated & my brain appears to have gone on holiday, but I hope it will pass.

Will answer your owl either later this evening or sometime tomorrow (busybusy, though please don't ask me with WHAT. People keep asking how I am passing my time now I am not in work & I feel like (a) bopping them on the nose (b) asking "Time? What time????"


Post 8


Not sure what you mean here DD - I can see dagesh's journal entry and all the replies to it.

Maybe it's something to do with the 'look' you've chosen in hootoo - perhaps Peet can help here ...

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