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FWT:" Mais que fait la police?"

Post 1


Literal meaning: what are the police doing?

Real meaning: it is a shame, the police are not doing enough.

Used today ironically to describe the knee-jerk response of blaming the police for not catching criminals.

- On m'a piqué trois salades dans le jardin.
- Mais que fait la police?

"I had three salads nicked in my allowment."
"Really, the police these days."

FWT:" Mais que fait la police?"

Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Hi there Martine from a presently sunny South Africa.

I am far from my dictionaries and works of reference but wouldn't "salades" be translated as "lettuces"? Also I think what you meant is allotment, but I expect that was a typo.

Sorry if I've got it wrong.

dagesh xxx

FWT:" Mais que fait la police?"

Post 3


Correct on both points dagesh... Post in haste, repent at leisure. i'll try to correct it.

Sunny France too. Great decorating job going I see. World of Interiors soon?

FWT:" Mais que fait la police?"

Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

isn't it marvellous how we can have such a real time conversation, with you in Paris and me in Stellenbosch! I never cease to wonder at the magic of the internet. Even in my lifetime this facility of communication was undreamed of. I think I must be of an age where I am constantly amazed by how wonderful the internet is.

The flat has been painted lots of interesting colours. I am now waiting for my stuff to arrive from the UK. I daren't buy many more "things" for the flat because the things that are coming will be more than sufficient for it... I shall have to give some things away, I think.

But I have a fridge and that is sufficient for my needs at present.

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